Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

congrats! I keep checking back to see if there are any new Blair acceptances today! (my son is a freshman there in clarinet performance–he’s loving it :slight_smile: )


Congrats to your daughter!!! My daughter is Blair-bound for VP. (She ED’d.) If you go to Anchor Day, I’m sure they’ll meet!


Waitlisted at Vanderbilt which is no surprise as the professor said there might be one spot or he may not take any….(well, kinda surprised, as we thought it would just be a no :rofl:). Now just waiting on CIM……


My son was admitted off the waitlist last year, after being told they were only taking two for his instrument…so you never know what will happen!


It is so exciting! What a school! :slight_smile:

Wow! That’s encouraging! Congrats to your son Vandy was amazing!

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Admitted to Eastman!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations on Eastman! We’re still waiting on piano news. Maybe it’s coming soon . . .

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My son got a no from Eastman. :slightly_frowning_face: It’s disappointing, but we still have one more school to hear from. He’s already gotten into some great conservatories, but they just haven’t offered enough aid to make it feasible. We were hoping Eastman would come through. At the same time, we know the piano program is very selective, so it’s not a total surprise. At least we have more information now.

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We’re still waiting on Berklee. What others are people still waiting for? For some reason, I’m getting more and more impatient even though we almost at the finish line of this part of the process.


Decisions from Berklee and University of Memphis. Financial aid from USC.

The next phase for us, then, will probably be appealing for more funds from two or three schools. After that, he can finally compare and make decisions!


My daughter, who was waitlisted by Rice, got a very nice phone call from them today where the person explained the process and answered any questions she had. Very impressed by that, and like my daughter said if they are doing that, the waitlist is definitely small.


We’re still waiting on Boston Conservatory. My son was accepted to Berklee in January, but his background is in classical piano, so he applied to both schools. Good luck with Berklee. Fingers crossed.


Anyone hear from NEC yet? I heard decisions come out today so was just wondering if anyone has received theirs.


Question about waitlists. D was WL’ed at one of her top choices. Even if she comes off the WL, there’s no way she can afford it without some funding. Any ideas about the chances of getting funding after coming off a WL?

The waitlist info my daughter received from Eastman said if you were admitted from the waitlist you would still be considered for financial aid/scholarships like any other applicant.

I looked back at the last couple years and did find examples where students were admitted off wait lists with financial offers (no idea how good they were).


Yesterday and today: D23 got in at NYU Steinhardt and Barnard (Barnard has lesson a exchange program with MSM, not sure when and how MSM notifies in this case, but she did not apply to MSM as a standalone school). No scholarships or financial aid at Barnard or NYU.

Also in at Boston University at Kilachand Honors College and School of Music at College of Fine Arts for Flute Performance in Linda Toote’s Studio, received Presidential and College of the Fine Arts music merit scholarships. Sorry if I double posted this, its a blur!

Waiting on NEC - out tomorrow between 4.00 pm & 5.00 pm EST.

Almost done! Good luck everyone!


I know we are blessed to have so many options and I am not bragging. I work at a university and have tuition exchange, he is a sought after bass, and scored 35 on his ACT. With all that he has 3 full tuition offers.
As a parent, how do you encourage kid to look at program outcomes versus location? And how do you come to terms with them making the “wrong” choice?
(3 final choices Jacksonville U FL. Syracuse. Baldwin Wallace. )

I guess I’m having a harder time as a parent because I know those with experience will say how can he even consider JU when Syracuse and BW would be tuition free.

Is my kid ruined if he chooses Jacksonville? Ugh!


have a frank discussion. we were very open about how much mom and dad bank would help. we had a decision at the end between a school for 70k versus 20k.

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