Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Congrats!! Rice’s flute studio is on fire right now. Last year they picked up kids that participated in NYO and Tanglewood’s Young Artist Orchestra. We just watched a live stream of a recital by some of the Freshman in the flute studio a few weeks ago. It was impressive.

The former principal flutist from my son’s youth orchestra is a freshman at Rice this year and she just loves it.


Rice was a no. This one was a huge reach, but we were hoping for the offer to help in asking for more merit aid to his #1. Speaking of- we were told by a prof to put all the offers together with a net of what our contribution would be so he can present to admissions one time and not have to go back and forth. UNT was not put on the FAFSA by mistake, this was corrected last week. UNT told us they should have him updated this week.
@RussianMom Congratulations on RICE!! We live in Houston, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything. Happy to be a contact for you.

I’ve appreciated following these conversations. For parents with high school kids just starting the application/ audition process, it’s great to know what to expect and what schools people are considering.

Before I jump off the threads (and enjoy a life away from college applications!) I wanted to share our acceptance information and a bit of advice for what it’s worth…etc. Hopefully this helps next years parents. If I could give two pieces of advice, it would be to really make sure your kids get as much of their non music application work done over the summer and then just be present and support them during the audition season. It is such a hard and stressful process for the kids and you all should be proud of them and yourselves for supporting their dream.

Our son is a guitarist pursuing a Jazz Studies/Composition degree. He applied to six schools and made it through all prescreens. He is still waiting to hear from 3 schools (Peabody, New England Conservatory, and NYU) but he was accepted at his top choice so those three are all moot.

12/18/22 - Temple
3/22/23 - New School of Jazz
3/24/23 - USC Thornton


Congratulations! :tada: My son also plays jazz guitar, and there are other jazz guitar parents here. My kid’s list was different than yours, except for USC. It looks like an amazing school.

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Is anyone else (BM VP) still waiting to hear from IU Jacobs? My daughter was in the last audition group (Mar 3-4) and they said they’d hear by Spring Break or a little after. But she hasn’t heard anything yet. She’s already accepted to the school and musically they are rolling admissions so it isn’t as if there is any big date announcement forthcoming. When my daughter asked the music admissions people she got the standard April 1 answer.


yes - same my D (MM VP) was in the last audition group and still waiting. She confirmed they had all the info last Friday and they said she would here “soon”

I’m sorry about the rough day. But there are 5 yeses. :heart: I hope she’s feeling better today.

Accepted in January to JSoM, but still no financial info. I was told this could be arrive as late as next week.

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I like this way of looking at it. It makes it all sound so easy to understand and get my head around. :relaxed:

7 yes, 1 WL, 1 no, 2 to go.

Of the 7 yeses, 3 are financially feasible, so far.

Three choices are great! They include two that he’s really excited about, and where I believe he will be very happy and learn a lot. For me as mom, I’m just struggling with him getting into his top schools and having to let them go because of finances. I stand by the idea of giving things your all, to see if they work out. I think he’s better with it than I am. :slight_smile:

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In my opinion, the factor which negatively impacts a career in music more than any other is graduating with debt. If debt can be minimized or avoided it will allow your musician to finish school and continue to practice and seek out music jobs and opportunities after they graduate. Some of our kids will not be full time professional musicians, which is absolutely ok. But if they want to be and then need to take a non music job because they are saddled with debt, we have done them no favors.


As an FYI…many professional musicians also have a non music job…especially when they are starting out. Not too many get jobs with the BSO, or equivalent.

But your point about minimal debt is a good one…however, I would say…that’s true for everyone.


Ah yes…to be more clear. If they need to take a full time non music job which prevents them from pursuing music in the way they would like…

And yes, agree that coming out of school with no or little debt is important for everyone.


I agree 100%. That’s why they’re off the table. In fact, my kid wrote a scholarship essay making this exact point. His dad and I were both able to go into the fields we studied for, because we didn’t have loans.

They told us by March 30. But yeah, still no VP answer from IU. Actually, no admission input from them.


My D is waiting, but applied too late for auditions. Her videos will be used for admission.

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@Pikachu_s_Mom and @philmad, this is my kid’s same situation at U of Memphis–in at the university, no answer from the music school. I’m surprised, because they indicated they send decisions within a couple of weeks, and S has spoken to them twice since he applied on 2/16.

I’m sure both of your students are excited about getting news from Jacobs! My H went to Indiana for a year before transferring (he’s not a musician), and his best friend there was an opera singer. He has fond memories of her practicing. :slight_smile:

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Thinking about S’s list, I realized that the majority of schools he’s applied to have palm trees on campus. :thinking: I should have thought of the weather back when I was applying to colleges. I stayed in New Jersey!

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Exactly. The text I just sent said “If BW program was at JU campus, the decision would be made.”

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Who knew? And son would have been a legacy!

Super excited to get an acceptance from Vanderbilt! D(soprano)! :slight_smile: