Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

This is not an April Fool’s joke, final decision is finally in. In at Jacobs (IU). It was one of the places his voice teacher really wanted him to go but unless they give a solid financial offer, I can’t see choosing it over some of his free tuition offers. My son will be thrilled he got in though as that was the highest ranked vocal performance school he applied to.


Congratulations! I hope he’s very proud. That’s an excellent school and so hard to get into. Nice job. :slightly_smiling_face:


To keep with my Final Four theme…

Hold on folks! An unexpected team has entered into the final four displacing the parent favorite of ULL. This college decision game is still not over! Let’s see what Indiana U has to bring to the money table!


My D got into IU as well VP MM - now decision time


Anybody else’s kid not opening their email? I would so love to know the final answers.


With my son’s permission, I created and have access to his college app email. He said he was overwhelmed and being in charge of it was stress as so many of the emails were just junk.


I have access to an email address created just for scholarship sites and info gathering, which is a mess, but for his applications he wanted to use his own.

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I get it. I did more hand holding than I wanted to but with some other personal family things going on, I agreed to help out. He appreciated that I would sift through it all and tell him which things he actually had to respond to.


Just wanted to pop in here to offer the resource for any parents of twins or who already has a child in college and didn’t get a lot of AID at a non-CSS or public university, starting Oct 2022, FAFSA stopped taking into account our second child in college so… when filing those appeals, you can then alert the FA offices of this in hopes of getting aid or more aid.

I wrote UMD’s FA office in the morning and by the afternoon, DS got an additional $3k from his second major’s college and I am hoping latter a little bit more in FA to put them in contention with his other top three schools.

They had previusly only gave him staffford loans (in addition to his music scholarship) because I assume that they were not made aware of the SECOND child in college in Fall 2023. I see a lot of parents in that thread saying they plan to bail on their offer bc of little to no FA/merit.

Just another talking point to add in your appeal letters! Good luck! I’m going to write another one today and hope it works!


those efc changes are bad news for many and adds substantial costs. I am hoping there may be some other changes that are not mentioned.


That’s fabulous! Happy for your family!

I’m gathering info for my own knowledge, and to share if he asks for any help. I have sworn to myself that I’m not pushing anything on my kid! :slight_smile:

Can anyone help me find how many students are in the music program at Loyola NOLA? And how many in Jazz Studies? The only number turned up by a search is from College Factual that says Loyola gave out 26 music degrees in 20-21. That seems to suggest something like 200 music majors at the university, right? I had the impression from their materials that the music school is bigger than that, and they held three audition days. :thinking:

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Yay!! What superb news!! Yay to Oberlin! We may be joining you there if my kid finalizes his decision.


Ah, such a nice description of your son’s emails. I agree that it is important to send personal emails to schools being declined. It’s a small music world and very personal. Fortunately when D was undergrad, she would have been happy to study with any of the professors that accepted her–even when she wasn’t excited about the school. So it was easy to be sincere about conveying regret, and in a couple of cases, a bit wrenching when she was closing the door on a studio.

Not true! That change goes into effect on the FAFSA for the 2024-2025 academic year.

But your two kids both need to be undergrads at most colleges. Was one a grad student? Or was your older child somehow independent financially?


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I feel like as soon as S recovers from his road trip, he should write a thank you to Thornton. Just grateful for the audition and acceptance. Do you think?

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I’d wait until he gets the financial info. If he doesn’t plan to attend, his note will be very different than if he does. And who do you think he should write to? Admissions honestly doesn’t need extra mail…my opinion.

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He would write to the music prof not to admissions, but it’s true it will only be a week longer. It just feels weird not to say anything.

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@BoyFluteMom , @thumper1 is correct. The FAFSA change to stop taking multiple children in college at once into account does not begin until 2024-25. The vast majority of colleges do not meet need, and public schools rarely do. Even with an EFC split in two, which the FAFSA would have indicated if properly completed, it’s not uncommon for middle to upper class families to get only loans. Scholarships are rarely based on need (although they might cite need as a factor in receiving), so the fact that the scholarship was increased for your child had more to do with the fact that the school wanted your child to attend than it did your pointing out that you have two in college (which was already factored into your FAFSA EFC).

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