Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Wow, congratulations! :tada: That is an amazing accomplishment and opportunity. Exciiting.

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I would definitely try to schedule trial lessons with anyone and everyone she is interested in studying with. It can’t hurt and the worst that can happen is they say no. We also always mentioned if there was a previous connection such as conductor for All State Festival or teacher in a summer program. It felt more thought out and personal. Good luck and I hope you can get some lessons scheduled!

Well, we are down to two schools. Wow. S is ready to commit, but we’re asking him to wait on funding letters that we have out to the last two: Loyola (has his heart, head over heels) and USC (he loves what he’s researched and would visit if we got the money).


Secretly wants him to choose LoyNo because my kid can’t. I really thought it was a great city with so many music opportunities!


Son still debating between two schools; he just spoke to the professor at one of them for an extended period.

The professor’s spouse is good friends with the professor at the other school. They all talk.

My son was told he would do great at either place, and if not happy, both profs would make any transfer smooth and easy.

Hence, the close call. These are good people.


A bit jealous of you that are done. We are fitting in probably 2 quick visits before the end of the month I hope. Lots of flip flopping in the meantime.

And my college senior just announced some not terrible or wacky, but different than expected post graduation plans this weekend so just feeling unsettled all around. Parenting and partnering with young adults is definitely a transition! Hang in there everyone.


I know, it can be so unsettling now that they’re grown/growing up. It’s possible we still have to do a quick trip to LA if USC comes through with different aid. We had some truly significant potential errors in our aid offer, so even though the kid himself feels ready, we’re not completely finished. We’re so close.

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Our last visit will be Monday. Indiana COA is 49k/yr. Jacobs has an amazing program but that is out of range for us for sure!


We’re looking at a quick trip as well, to NYC. It will probably be the last week of April. We’re really cutting it close here. Yikes.


After visiting Case this weekend, we’re down to two schools: UMd and Oberlin.

Case has a mere music department, not even a full school, and the integration with CIM is nominal, and it isn’t that competitive so he would be a big fish in a small pond but not necessarily grow as much being among the best that could be found in a more robust music school. The full tuition for four years was tempting and we hate to say goodbye to that.

edited out information bc it was a misunderstanding… ignore.


Seems surprisingly unprofessional on the part of his private teacher. I would think most would wait until the student and family make their own decisions.
Sorry he had to deal with it.


@BoyFluteMom one thing to keep in mind: my impression is that many Oberlin grads go into direct PhD programs, which are funded. So though Oberlin may cost more, it is also possible it could save on the cost of a master’s that is part of a PhD program. I know this is speculative, but still, we were told by a financial aid office about this angle and it proved to work out this way.

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Thank you! I did not know this fact. This helps.

Well we had quite the night last night…my husband and I could tell DS was stressed these last 10 days waiting for the appeal decision on his scholarship. He has been Oberlin all along, ready to commit, but waiting for the final merit award to be given. He was told the increase (very generous) and came to speak to us. I could tell he was heartsick. Finally, after going back and forth with his dad and I regarding costs, etc. I said to him, where do you want to go? He said Jacobs. To which I responded, then you go to Jacobs. He let the prof. know immediately who was very upset (not that I blame him) as he did this extra work in getting him more funds only to have him go elsewhere. I know he feels like he played him against Jacobs for more money, but that wasn’t the case. We asked him how long he knew he wanted to go to Jacobs. He answered when he felt disappointed that he received the merit increase because he thought he had to go.
I so proud of him for letting us know how he really felt as he is my kid that doesn’t share much at all with us or his private lesson teacher. Who was also upset at him as well. We have learned so much through this journey it is really a shame that I don’t have another one going through that I could do better for next time. lol


@libbyshims you and your family did an amazing job! This is such a hard time for most students. For many, it is new to be hit with everyone else’s opinions (teachers, auditioning professors, peers and family) while having the first taste of how expensive everything can be. And mine too was reserved with his communication and wanting to please everyone. Good for your son for speaking his mind and heart. And kudos to you for listening.
The rest of the drama will fade. Congratulations on his decision!


I was thinking of you when we sent ours out yesterday. I hope you got some good news. :slightly_smiling_face:

So, we are getting close, and I’m feeling nervous about waiting so long. S wants to decline all the other schools. I know it’s normal and OK to wait, but I hope the financial appeals don’t take too long. :grimacing:


Thank you so much, I needed to hear that! I am hoping that he can move past disappointing others so that he can enjoy and get excited about his decision. :slight_smile:


I think we are down to two - Berklee and UMiami Frost. Honestly don’t know if we can make Berklee work because they have virtually nothing in aid. If money wasn’t involved, Berklee would be her choice and the perfect fit. But money is involved and we’re waiting for her to think about it and see how hard she is willing to work for it in terms of working/saving etc.

And @BennyBopper - I saw your kid chose Frost. Congrats!

Your son felt safe to tell you the truth, and that right there shows what an amazing and supportive parent you are. And he was so mature to tell you what he realized he wanted, even though it would annoy some people. Good job to your family. :heart: And congratulations on his decision!

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