Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Congratulations on being down to two! Those were high on my kid’s list, too. Wonderful looking schools and programs!

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This will most likely not be the last time “he disappoints others”…by “putting himself first” in music. So a great lesson learned. Everyone will survive a few uncomfortable days.

Trusting yourself is so important in music. Make sure that he knows that the “disappoinment” felt be others…is their business to overcome. They are adults…and fully capable of overcoming disappointment. He did nothing wrong in his search process. Being adult means making tough calls sometimes…and trusting others to manage their emotions on their own. You should be so proud of him.

And welcome to the Hoosier family! Now get your hotel room for move-in!!

I have also seen a few others commits to IU so welcome to you too!! It’s hard to keep up with them all!!


Good for him! He knows his heart and was brave and sure enough to tell you what he wants. Ours was all the way in with CMU until Oberlin swooped in, so I totally understand the whiplash. He will be happy for having made his own decision and following his own gut.



Hi! Thanks so much, phew, lol.
He kind of fell in love with Frost when we went for the audition back in December… so it was his top choice all along- he did not want such a traditional or classical conservatory experience and Frost seems like it will give him the most flexibility as he really is a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist and wants to explore all options! He liked many of the other schools, but is ready to get away from NJ and the Northeast! We know lots of kids who LOVE Berklee, although it didn’t feel such a good fit for him, with him wanting to be in a different kind of environment.
Also Frost ended up being one of the least expensive schools (we didn’t get any Financial Aid and relied on merit) so that has made us all happy :rofl:
I hope your daughter ends up happy whenever she lands, and let us know if that is Frost! Good luck <3

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Well we got a very small bump from one school, disappointing. We are waiting still to hear from another 2 schools. D is so worried that they will all wait until April 30 to then give her nothing or too little. She wants this process to be over. I reminded her that it’s all going to be resolved very soon.

Our Frost package was great and much more than anyone else gave including need in the mix. She plans to make her final decision this coming weekend.

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Good luck and congratulations to your daughter (and you!) for making it through this whole crazy process :slight_smile:


I would love to get some thoughts about CIM vs Oberlin. D is quite torn… she has actually come to me and asked “what does CC think?”

So, CC, what do you think?

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These are 17 and 18 year olds making huge decisions. No teacher should show they’re upset with a 17-18 yr old just starting out. These things happen and any teacher with a kid’s best interest in mind wouldn’t guilt them. Your kid did great speaking his mind and you did well to listen to him.
Mine knows he let down one prof and it was so difficult to choose, but that prof was kind, professional and supportive. That
is so important to show these young people who have worked this hard.

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We visited both in February - I would pick Oberlin. You get the whole college experience. My only concern with Oberlin not a ton to do outside of the college. CIM so small - as my daughter said you have a bad day and your dorm right next door. She did not like that at all.

@BoyFluteMom and @compmom - I think this might be true for those in some fields, such as composition, or for those who want to teach at the university level. In these cases, it’s a great strategy. However, many performance majors go into master’s programs after undergrad, rather than Ph.D. or DMA programs.


Congratulations! Yes, really great percussion faculty! When does he think he will know about the TA spot? I assumed it would be part of the initial offer.

We are still waiting for our D to decide. To be fair, she is still waiting to get some info back from at least 1 school, but it is really crazy-making.

I know many instrumentalists who got doctorates, and have fabulous careers performing. Some do teach as well but most I know are performing.

And… if you enter a PhD program that is funded, with a master’s along the way in a program that allows you to leave between the two degrees, you still get funded.

We could not pay any other way, honestly.

When we went to Case Western Reserve this weekend, and saw how smack dab in the middle CIM was, it felt to me like CWRU would be a great option for conservatory kids. At an info session, they said the CIM students participate in Case clubs, activities, social life, sporting events, intramural sports so there is some semblance of a “normal” college experience for the CIM students who crave that.


Turns out it was a big misunderstanding! Our Email sent to flute prof threw her off. Sheesh. Way to add stress. Teens and communications have never been that great a combo so… yeah.

Yes, I was wondering about that: Case is a bit of an “equalizer” to Oberlin’s more average college experience.
Any thoughts on the actual quality of Music education?

I’m the wrong person to ask. I am totally clueless on all of this. I have been so privileged to find this community here in CC and learn so much. I hope someone else chimes in. I do know that the Flute prof said it’s less competitive BUT CRWU does have a really good Music EDUCATION program where you graduate being actually certified to teach in Ohio schools when you graduate and you actually get to teach in Ohio schools before you graduate so you have practical experience.

My son wants to teach back home in Maryland possibly but I imagine, ceritfication in Ohio may make it easier to get certified in MD. Who knows.

The Oberlin Conservatory acting admissions director told us that Case’s Music Ed and its abundent large well known programs in science, research and medicine make it better for going to Grad school for something OTHER than music.

So if you’re going to double major, then it’s best to have a CWRU degree than an Oberlin college degree for purposes of post-graduate studies,

He said several things pushing Case over Oberlin while saying to me at least7 times, “I would prefer him to choose us over them and we want him to come here” but…

I think he was being honest and helpful and less a salesman for school. I appreciated that. We spoke at length on Friday.

Oh… he also said that people who want to TEACH music after college who go to Oberlin are looking to teach at the College level or as Private tutors/teachers NOT K-12.

That was another major difference.

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She is considering Cleveland Institute of Music, which is not actually part of CWRU, but a freestanding conservatory. CIM shares their campus, dining hall and has access to their clubs.

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Oh yes. I am aware. Toured both this weekend.

My D is definitely reconsidering everything, so it may end up a less than expected path! I’m learning to roll with the punches, and I will say she sounds better in conversation than she has in a while. As soon as I know for certain, I’ll report here.