Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

My daughter committed to Berklee College of Music tonight! So relieved to be done with the process and ready for what comes next. So excited!


You can do a directed study minor as a BM at Peabody, which is basically a non-music minor at Homewood. Here are the details: Directed Studies | Peabody Institute

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Glad you found that! I didn’t :slight_smile:

I was really curious because it didn’t seem right that a Peabody student couldn’t minor in something else.

With a visit or direct talk with the school, this would have been answered so I guess the message is beware of thinking you have found everything on the website!

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Congratulations to your daughter! Yay!!


Correct, she is not dual degree.

This is not specific to one program but one thing I was going to mention is funding. If your student is awarded music merit specific money they may lose it at some schools/programs if they change major/drop the music major.

Some schools just offer you a straight merit package that will follow you. I think this is the approach Lawrence U is taking now. Probably with a good faith assumption a music student will continue participating in ensembles on campus.

It would be so helpful if music programs would publish number of seats admitted for each area and a range and average merit award. Ugh, that would have saved us so much travel time and energy. Though this kid I’m working with now does have 6 reasonable for us offers (out of 8 applications).

This process is also likely more straightforward if either you can comfortably full pay. Or possibly if your financials work well to get you to an affordable need based aid package at meets need programs and you focus your applications toward those types of programs (and I’d run net price calculators to see where you fall).


Totally would be simpler! It would have been a matter of choosing a few schools S liked and going for those. Because of our great uncertainty, he ended up applying and getting into 8 programs we can’t afford and 4 we can.

Also, because of our lack of experience, we were confused by “meets 100% of need for every admitted student”. When looking at schools, definitely find out anything you can about how they calculate need. It’s hard to find out anything, but if you can…


Very true with music admissions, and I suppose life in general. On the bright side, I like to think that the challenge of chasing merit and facing many unknown variables helps our kids prepare for the exciting adventure of life as musicians/artists. It sure has helped mine…they embrace the uncertainty and continue to find new ways to promote themselves and follow their passions.


Did they offer significantly differently than the NPCs? It is so confusing. Schools can calculate need however they want.

My double degree kid applied to 13 options and a wide range of options (large publics, LACs, double degree, etc). Some of them were certainly wasted apps but zero regrets. He was very gung ho on the process. He is a kid that eats text books for breakfast. He is double degree and is one class from another minor and a few classes from a 3rd full degree. Graduating top 5 percent of his big ten class. So hind sight, I’m glad he wasn’t discouraged by the teachers who said you can’t or shouldn’t! But he may have been an annoying addition to a less flexible music program. I really have NO idea where he is headed in life. He will probably get a STEM job for a bit (hasn’t interned in that area) and do some side work in music. Covid was hard on music students.

My 2nd kid did 8 and that felt like plenty for her.

Yes yes yes! This is SO true. :heart: We know enough people working in the arts to know so many paths can get you where you need to be. Love the school and the teacher that loves you.


Thank you all for the amazing insights and experiences: DD24 sat the ACT today and wrote to 7 potential schools/teachers for trial lesaons this week. Suddenly seeing more real…she will be looking to do a double major


My son is at All Eastern and after the first day, he realized all the admins and staff knew his name and that’s when he realized he stood out and was quite unique and indeed a unicorn among the Symphonic Band musicians! lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Hi! Was just wondering if there is any update from Berklee on your end?

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Mine is there in jazz band/guitar and having a great time!


As an undergrad 6 years ago our classical piano performance son was accepted at all those schools except Rice (didn’t apply there). Eastman was his favorite and his ultimate choice, he really enjoyed the warm and welcoming “you got this!” vibe he got there from the admin, faculty and staff. My only additional comment would be the obvious investment in the piano program at Eastman over the last several years, with some new and vibrant faculty adds, although I have not kept up with CIM so I have no basis for comparison there. Both can be a bit gloomy in the winter, but don’t expect any snow days at Eastman, they are pros at doing inclement weather in Rochester!

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Lovely!! I hope to catch their performance on Sunday! I hear there is a dance today and an ice cream social tomorrow! They had a guest speaker today and TriM music honor society is having their conference baked within this event tomorrow. so so fun!!! :tada: :tada: :tada:

On the subject of the school that loves you, my son got a substantial scholarship increase from a top school. We’re waiting for an official document, and we’re getting closer day by day. :man_dancing:


I know people who dropped music at Vandy/Blair because they thought it was too much in combination with a science major.


Nope, still waiting :sweat_smile:

Update - my daughter (who is currently on wait lists for Eastman and Rice for VP MM) got an email from Eastman this morning. It said they will likely be able to offer “someone” a spot off the wait list today. Didn’t say it was her. But the email was addressed to her by name. They wanted to reply to indicate if she was still interested. Today is also her senior recital. We are a WRECK. LOL.


Hi there! I want to say hello and bump your post, which may have gotten lost. I don’t know about those schools, but many parents here do.