Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

This thread has great questions for your kid to ask themselves!

That is our impression. The scholarship my son got is one awarded to candidates who are strong both musically and academically, I’m not sure if it is only for official double-degree students. I looked at the fine print of all the scholarship offers.

Same. Even now my son says there is no place he wishes he had applied to that he did not apply. I do think if he did it again he would have gotten some of his applications in earlier though- a couple schools where he didn’t make it through pre-screening I wonder if he would have had he submitted earlier and the schools had more time.

But I’m not sure those schools would have been better places for him, anyway!


Him Carroll University Wisconsin.
Her Marquette or UWi-Milwaukee or UWisconsin-Madison.

SHES IN AT EASTMAN! (Off the waitlist)

What a drama this has been!



What a rollercoaster! Fab news :tada:

YES! What great news, and a complicating factor. :smiley:

We’re pretty much ready to commit, and now I’m bringing up writing notes to the profs who have admitted him but where he’s choosing to not go. I feel like I’ll always find the next thing to worry about. :joy:

Shouldn’t he thank the profs who offered him a space, so they know he’s out? And that he appreciates the time and effort they took in considering him? A subset of profs spent more time corresponding personally or speaking on the phone (in which case, he said thank you in person and that he would not be attending).


I would as long as it is a very simple short and appreciative note - it’s a nice thing to do and who knows whose paths will cross in this tiny music world.


I would do a short sweet note! I agree…maybe he may want to do a Master’s there!


I our case she only had one option and it was her safety school so it’s good to have options. Still on the waitlist at Rice. Eastman has given her 2 weeks so she’s gonna wait it out a bit I think. :grimacing:

I’m definitely in favor of the notes to the schools he’s not going to so they can get to their waitlist folks. and in case he comes across them again later in his career.

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YESSSSS!! That’s just fantastic news. Can’t wait to hear all about it!

Major congrats!

My son just committed to Loyola New Orleans . :tada: We’re all so excited! Thank you, everyone, for helping us so much.


Yay!!! Fantastic news!!! :tada::tada::tada:

Wow!! Yay!!! Excellent news!!! I’m sure you’re happy this process is over!! :tada::tada::tada:

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Thank you. Yes, we are! Whew.

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Now on to the fun parts!!!

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Awesome @BeverlyWest so exciting! So happy for you! :partying_face: Feels so great to be done, right!?

We’re heading out on 2 fast visits the next 2 weeks. It’s going to be a hard choice, both schools are now in touch regularly and being super nice and helpful.

Last night out of left field my daughter got a personal email directly from a music teacher at a different school that has a music department we’ve found stand offish and unreasonably pretentious feeling. Kid tried to set up a sample lesson with a couple teachers there during the process with no response. They only did online auditions. Which is fine, her prescreen videos we used were adequate not amazing. Would have much preferred an in person audition. The way admissions/merit rolled out there didn’t exactly show much love either from music. And NOW she gets personal email and attention mid April?! :roll_eyes: I’d like to help kid to respond politely but I’m having a hard time not being snarky about it.


Congratulations! So exciting!

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So very happy for you!! Well done!

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