Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Congrats!!! Niceness!!! :tada: :tada:

My daughter is going to apply to the Royal College of Music London and Royal Irish Academy of music - my husband her dad from Ireland. I am musician so totally aware of the process in the states. Was curious if any of you applied to schools in Europe and what the process was like? This is for violin.


Hi we are UK - daughter is at junior Royal Academy (people normally apply for RCM and RAM) - happy to help. Dd is applying for ‘24 entry in Uk and USA and processes are different

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My kid applied to the Royal Conservatory of the Hague and McGill both for grad.


thank you! also applying 24

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My son is deciding between USC and SFCM-classical guitar. Anyone with experiences at either school, pro’s/cons would be greatly appreciated (especially with SFCM). Thank you!

I don’t know the UK process…but my kid did a semester abroad at RCM and absolutely loved it.


Hi there is a section for USA applicants to RCM - they audition in the USA

For uk applicants the closing date is oct and auditions and decisions are Dec, but I think things are a little later for international applicants. I suggest you contact them and ask if there is a virtual open day (the in person one is 3rd May) but v happy to answer questions. A USA applicant who is starting in sept reached out to my DD24 on social media so she would have direct knowledge. Scarily small world that she and dd know some of the same people in both countries through music!


Hopefully someone with more experience with both schools will reply.

Still, assuming that both are affordable to you and that both have a good teacher/studio fit with a program that he likes (both are known to be highly selective music programs)…the biggest difference may be a conservatory-type education vs a conservatory in a university-type of education.

Have you looked at the semester by semester curriculum? Is one a better fit for your son?

Have you considered the school environment as well? Would the conservatory activities (mainly all music in a city) be a better fit than a broader university experience? Would the broader university experience be exhilarating, interesting, neither here nor there or a distraction?

These are some elements to consider. I hope this helps in some way.

Yes, thanks for all your suggestions on factors, etc. they would be about the same cost for us and ironically I could see him adapting and enjoying either school even though they are so different. I thought he was strongly leaning towards USC but his studio teacher at SFCM has been actively in touch with him, advocating for him and helping with our appeals for more money. It makes a difference to feel like someone is taking you in under their guidance. I guess I was wondering if anyone had any strong red flags or things they loved about either school-especially if it pertains to classical guitar. He has looked at curriculums, housing, visited both, etc. thx again!

USC Thornton has a list of student ambassadors who do outreach for the music program. Maybe your son can contact one of them.


Wow, for some reason I ended up reading posts way back on this thread, and I am amazed at how far we’ve all come. Good job, everybody! I was touched by how much help and kindness I’ve received. I was deeply worried about things that turned out fine, such as auditions at Columbia-Chicago, travel to Texas, and the hell we went through filling out the CSS, only for it to not matter in the end. One post, long ago, was me guessing that S would go to Loyola. :heart: Thanks to you all! :heart:


Some good news, not on the college journey but another step toward finishing high school. We got S’s schedule for the State Chamber Festival. He’s in the Clarinet Choir playing contrabass and in the Percussion Ensemble playing a hand-crafted marimba donated by a musician who built it. (Well, I’m not sure if they bring that one to state. :thinking: He might play a marimba they have there.) I’m excited for his school making it into state competition.


My son’s scholarship is particularly for students who are strong both academically and musically. I think there are other scholarships that are exclusively for one or the other, but they are worth less.

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Quick update—>D, Admitted UMich SMTD, Dance! :dancer: :two_hearts: :dancer: :two_hearts: Those who have been recent admits, about how long do financial aid packages come?


Congratulations! It took awhile and housing apps are due a week from Friday - I might consider being aggressive and call

Thank you! Took your advice and called–>FinAid package was sent over today via Wolverine Access, yay! :tada: :tada: Now on to Housing app…


Still undecided… there’s a recital on Friday night from a cello student at Lawrence who my son has spoken to, and had had a year to study under the teacher who took over this year. He knows she practices a lot, so I think he is waiting now until after he watches that. Whether it’s for confirmation or decision-making purposes, I am unsure. I’ve hit the point of not asking.

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Just to let you all know: my D has decided on a gap year. She was admitted to Indiana on the strength of her audition videos (had applied too late for auditions) and received a small grant but without other options, she wanted to take a step back and regroup.

She did, however, just complete an awesome senior recital (half cello, half voice) and blew my mind! It was also so fun to see her teachers and friends celebrate with her afterwards. She’s had a great education and knows what she’s doing.

I’ll let you all know how things turn out (she’s got two summer jobs and a vocal institute at the Atlantic Music Festival this summer, and already has an apartment lined up for fall, so I guess she’s off and running).

Funny thing: my father was calling me with advice and anxiety about my son’s future and I spent a bit of time reminding him of his (and my) unusual paths to our careers. :slight_smile: Now I just have take my advice and lay off from bugging my children for a minute and a half! (Isn’t it Mother’s Day soon?)

I have loved being on these boards and I’m sure I’ll be back but this is our story for now. Congratulations and hugs to you all!


Since gap years come up fairly often here, I wonder if you could share her tentative plans. Assuming continued lessons and practice. Your D has an apartment so probably not doing travel or residencies. Will she get a regular job? Gig? I am really interested in this path for an instrumentalist and wish her luck. I understand if there are privacy concerns.