Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Welcome to the UMich SMTD family! :blush::partying_face: I have a musician finishing her junior year there. She has loved her time in Ann Arbor. I hope your daughter will too! :heart: Go Blue!

Well played. Having the confidence and knowledge to know what’s right for her will bode well for her in the future. It’s a long game so a gap year (or two!) can be really good.


My D23 committed to Berklee last night. She is entering as a voice principal and plans to major in songwriting with a minor in musical theater writing and/or performance. This whole process has been something of a wild ride, but she ended up having some great options in the end. I discovered this group late, but it has been such a helpful resource. I am in awe of all of these amazingly talented kids. I can’t wait to see what their futures hold.


Congratulations! My daughter has committed to Berklee too. Best of luck!


Congratulations! Woohoo!

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My D23 just committed to DePaul School of Music. Hello Chicago! The past few weeks have been a WILD ride of indecision and quick visits mixed with an otherwise really crazy schedule.

I’m sure I’ve said it before but here I am saying it again. It’s so worth it to apply broadly and keep an open mind and love the school that loves you. 2 for 2 with kiddos ending up for college where I would have never imagined the prior year.

Can I say I’m pretty excited to have her somewhere that will be so fun to visit? :heart_eyes: We’ve been to Chicago 3 times in the past year now and have had SO much fun there. Great city!


I would have loved for my son to pick DePaul. Chicago has so much to offer! But alas, 1.5 hrs from home was “too close” for him.



Help, please! Does by May 1st mean by 11:59 PM tonight or tomorrow night?

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You have today…just don’t wait until last minute I suppose (computer/wifi issues etc) and make sure that deposit gets there today! GL


Congrats! :tada:

Congratulations!!! The wild ride is over. :heart: Now on to more fun.

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We had a surprise package from Loyola. A big flat box turned out to be a yard sign that says Loyola Bound, class of 2027! When I picked up my phone this morning and saw “May”, I started thinking about everyone here. :heart:


I will report later. Surprise $ email showed up today. It seems that if you are truly torn between schools, and have a good rapport with those schools, it isn’t a bad idea to have not sent in a deposit when decision day arrives.

What is surprising is that this email came from a school not known to do such things. Some schools have a rep for being very stingy until the last minute; this is not one of those schools.


@BeverlyWest looking forward to the last acceptances list with where everyone has chosen to attend!


Ooooh…such mystery and intrigue! Can’t wait to hear!

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Drum roll…

So my son will be attending Gettysburg College/Sunderman Conservatory in the fall. He’s a ham and pretty good at self-promotion, so perhaps he will get the Con the name recognition that was one of the things dissuading him. He almost made a deposit at Lawrence yesterday. This morning he got an unexpected email from Gettysburg awarding him a significant amount more funding.

I am so pleased. Both schools are fabulous, but every time he interacted with the prof from Gettysburg, I felt that this was the person my son was meant to study with. He said to me last night that he truly wanted to go to both schools, but obviously can’t. The whole family is relieved that he has finally decided!


D23 is committed to Yale! Finally! It was a close call between couple of schools. So glad to move into the next phase! Boola Boola!


Congratulations! I’m sure he will be very happy there!!


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CONGRATS!! Much luck to her!

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