Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

That would be heartening! I hate the idea of having 50 people show up for an audition for which there is only one studio spot, which I know sometimes happens. If people knew the number of slots,they might more easily decide which ones are worth travelling to.


My guess is that is for the school’s convenience, so that they know how many
students to expect for each level of theory and aural skills classes. If they require that assessment at the audition, then they have it handy once acceptances/commitments come in and it aids them with planning for fall semester. Otherwise the data comes trickling in over the summer or during registration and planning is more difficult for them.

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Does anyone know when early action decisions from the Hartt school are supposed to be out? I assume some time in January but I never saw any confirmation of that.

Ah, ok, maybe it’s a different timeline. I think he applied for jazz.

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Depending on what percentage of prescreens they request to come audition, that could mean that over half of the musicians we saw in Miami will get admitted to Frost. Even though the reality of admissions is not something you can predict with math, it’s nice to know the scale.

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It probably wouldn’t be problematic for him to call the Thornton admissions office to ask when prescreen results are being sent out for what he applied for. They are likely not going to be working over the holidays and you may need/want the information re: travel planning.


DD is applying MM Vocal Performance Passed prescreens at CCM, UNCSA Fletcher. Will find out about San Fran tomorrow. Anyone know when Peabody, Maryland Opera or Curtis gives prescreen decisions?


Curtis typically sends audition invitations about 1 month before the audition dates posted on the website. I do not know regarding Peabody or Maryland.
Congratulations on your prescreen passes so far!

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At Miami on Dec 3rd they said between 10-45% of those passing pre-screens could get offers of admission. It all depends on the instrument etc… And of course it was just an estimate based on historical data.


My son heard from Oberlin a day or 2 ago as well as University of Michigan that he passed prescreen for double bass. waiting on a bunch more. We went through this 2 years ago with my older son who is in his second year at Bard pursuing a dual degree cello performance/ physics.


Thank you. I missed that.

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Prescreen results from Peabody are released “about a month before audition week.” Audition week is February 20-24.


Hoping the music education acceptance rate is closer to 45%!

I was just asking about when Hartt would come out, and I got accepted today. I also received an acceptance to Temple recently :slight_smile:


My kid has been super happy at Temple. He’s got a lot of Music Ed friends who play in the ensembles. They have a great reputation in the Music Ed space and tend to give $$ to those students as well.


NEC is releasing prescreen decisions for Woodwinds tomorrow throughout the day.

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Do you happen to know when strings will come out?

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Not sure about strings, we called to ask about Woodwinds decisions release date, as we need to finalize travel asap.

Person on the phone was extremely nice and helpful! Call them tomorrow, they will still be open, I think.

Got past Northwestern prescreening! Excited to audition, but I am scared for the weather in February XD


My D did not pass Michigan prescreens in VP (MM). So I’m hoping she’ll add another school to her list.