Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

That’s great to hear!


That’s great to know. My son got in EA to Temple with a $50k Founders scholarship but he Didn’t audition bc he was already going after 4 music schools and was told it is best to audition for only 4-5 schools tops.

We were impressed with our tour of the music college when we visited and I absolutely LOVED the visit and so did my son.


Mimi Stillman is outstanding! D23 loved her masterclasses.

Herb Alpert just sent their prescreening result yesterday…

  1. Congratulations! 2. I’m confused. Does that mean he let go of the Temple offer?

I’m also interested in the idea that he should limit to four or five schools. I’m curious about the logic. I’ve heard that some students get exhausted by the end of too many auditions, but is there another reason?


Just my two cents, but I think it is a good idea to schedule as many auditions as possible, to keep options open, and then to drop auditions during the natural process of some schools falling off the list as acceptances start coming in. Of course, that only works if the student is applying to colleges with rolling admissions where they would like to go!


I’m sorry to hear that, but it might be another door opening to a school she hasn’t applied to yet. Like everyone, we’re waiting on a couple of prescreens, and to be honest I think there may be some more exciting schools on my kid’s list anyway, regardless of what word we receive.


Thanks for this. I’m hoping he can drop a couple of schools when he gets word about the first wave–Frost and CU Denver in January, and Loyola and Columbia Chicago in late February. It would be so great if he chose one at that point! But even those February decisions are going to come too late for him to cancel a bunch of others that take place on 1/21, 1/28, 2/11, etc. If he does them all, it will make eight. At that point, he’ll have two or three he can still cancel. Yikes! We’ll see how it unfolds, but in the meantime, I am making a calendar where I can see them all and try to make things fit.

Well if the repertoire is the same or mostly overlapping and he can do online auditions it’s hopefully not that stressful!

If he got into Frost, say, would he like that better than some of the ones that are still on his list? If so, he can drop anything he likes less than Frost and keep only those he likes more.

Yeah, I hope that, too, and he has been able to reuse prescreens. He’ll definitely cut down on stressful travel by doing some virtual auditions. Unfortunately, a few of them require specific songs, specific chord progressions, or (totally reasonably) want the student to start their video by stating their name, their selections, and why they want to attend their particular school. He’ll definitely try to reduce and reuse.

Finally know all my prescreening results! (some are unofficial, but for those schools I received prescreening waivers)

No Prescreening:

Passed Officially:
Northwestern, Vanderbilt, NYU, NEC, Rice

Passed Unofficially:

Did not Pass:


Just received an invitation from NEC, so check your email if you are waiting on NEC. Also received Colburn invitation this past Tuesday and CIM last week. Waiting for two more, but those aren’t expected until January.


Well the specific songs can add time and effort but making an independent video for each school that contains existing repertoire hopefully won’t be too stressful.:blush:

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If he gets into Frost and we know that they are offering enough $$ to make it possible, that will surely happen. That would be wonderful! He liked it there, and Miami is perfect for a bilingual jazz student. He’s excited about a couple others, too, and we parents definitely want him to consider New Orleans, but there would be a good handful he could drop.

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That’s true, he can perform the same stuff with just a new intro. And like all our kids, he loves music, so performing several times won’t be a problem!

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Congratulations on all those passes! You have lots coming up. That’s exciting.


And…does he have anywhere he has already been admitted to? Or a no-audition safety where he is guaranteed admission? It’s really awful to be shut out at the end of the day.

All of them require auditions, and you have a great idea–we should find and apply to one that does not. He’s definitely got good options where he should be accepted given his talent and grades. He’s already been admitted to our state university (the audition would be for the major, but the school has accepted him).

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Oh well if he’s in at his state university and he’s happy/okay with attending then he’s good! But throwing in some non-audition apps might be helpful.

And did he ever look at either Lawrence or McGill?

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