Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

He’s looking at McGill for his final application, due 1/15. I hope that at least this part of the journey, filling out all the “paperwork”, will be finished by mid-January. Is anyone else still doing applications?

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Both of my sons filled out the Canadian applications in January if I remember correctly

University of British Columbia also has a top-notch music program.

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What does unofficially passed mean? We thought BU was swamped and they said they don’t do sample lessons… Congrats on al the passes!

My son didn’t pass pre-screen, but not a surprise for a cellist. Probably unaffordable anyway.

Yes, and now wondering if should add in another…well, I am; he is not. I’m worried about the money aspect as we apparently seem more flush than we are.


For families for whom finances are a concern, I strongly recommend looking at McGill and perhaps the other Canadian colleges. McGill seems to have a really good music program and they have different tuition for different majors, with Music being very affordable. Plus room and board in Montreal are reputed to be quite affordable once you move off campus, and they have different pricing structures on-campus depending on the dorm you choose. And…it’s a later application deadline!

Here is the link to McGill’s tuition (not room and board). Note that it is in Canadian dollars, so check out the exchange rate, which right now is quite favorable for Americans.

Plus they give a lot of AP credit, if that is relevant.

| Student Accounts - McGill University

As I recall, University of British Columbia was also more affordable for music than many US colleges.


Anyone heard from NEC Piano performance M/M prescreen decision yet?

Thank you for the research and links. My husband graduated from McGill, and from the stories he tells, it’s a great school in a very interesting (and very cold) city. It helps to speak French, but I don’t think it’s necessary by any means. I don’t know what my kid will think about applying to his dad’s alma mater, but we will soon find out. McGill is 1/15, Columbia Chicago is 1/18, and I think after that, we will be done!

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Congratulations on U of Dayton! It must feel great to have his first acceptance.

He applied to Loyola too, right? That one seems to check a lot of those boxes, and for us, too. We’re missing the first Loyola audition date because of a performance conflict, so even though my son applied back in October, we still won’t know results until late February. :frowning:

Congrats, @flutieperson!


My daughter just heard her NEC prescreen results (she passed!). But she’s vocal MM.



McGill’s a great school - my son was passing on international options, but I just peeked at the website and couldn’t find what the room and board fees were. Do you happen to know?

Interesting about AP credit, too - so many of the schools only give credit for fives these days.

BTW, he does speak French, and we have Canadian relatives, though not in Quebec. I will pass along the info.

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I got my prescreen waived for BU since I did BUTI this past summer. For USC, I had a trial lesson and the professor told me my prescreen could be waived.


Here it is. As always, the costs are in Canadian dollars so you have to convert them. And the tuition is only about 23k US dollars. Room and board average about 12.5k US dollars. So about 35k all in the first year and less if you live off campus and cook for yourself in the following years.


My son is very limited on in person auditions. He is performing in the school musical Feb 16-18th so anything that week or the week before is out.

D’s Juilliard audition is scheduled right in the middle of the musical! She has withdrawn from the musical!


Note to future applicants: it may be better to disengage from high school productions scheduled for audition season! My kid also disengaged entirely from high school music in general. Even if scheduling issues don’t come up, the stress level can be horrific!

@Momeila did you ask Juilliard for an alternate date (I assume so)?


What about precollege? I am assuming they understand.

No… he is still deep in the app process. The offer still stands until next year.

I think they say limit for the exact reason you gave. It is an exhausting and labor intensive process and kids are also trying to maintain and keep up with existing obligations, clubs, grades, school obligations, meet community service requirments on top of auditioning AND applying to non-music schools or the regular program. (e.g. you have to get admitted to Oberlin and Oberlin conservatory; UMD and UMD School of music)

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Thank you!!! This is my second go at this college app process having had a first kid go off a few years ago. That kid was CS.

This music process is 1000000% HARDER! And more stressful! I don’t think counselors or high schools prepare the rising seniors enough for what’s coming. I think even the most balanced and super organized will find their limits stretched.

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My S15 was CS major! Totally different processes!

D23 will have five in-person, one virtual, two recorded auditions in the next two months. Glad we cancelled fall campus visits, because it will be a lot of travel now.