Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey



We just heard from Eastman. My son passed the piano prescreen! I know the odds of his getting in are still daunting, but we’re proud of him for making it this far.


That is awesome @Pianomom1 - where else is he auditioning? Congratulations and Best wishes. Would be great to see if we overlap in any of the schools during auditions (my son will travel to UCLA, USC, UM, Blair and Peabody). Please feel free to DM if he will travel to any of those.


That’s amazing! Congratulations!:tada:

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Thank you!

He’s auditioning at Mannes, Boston Conservatory, and the general Berklee program, along with some TN state schools. He currently takes classes in the pre-college at Blair and does very well but doesn’t have the general academic record to apply to Vanderbilt. We’re considering sending an application off to McGill this week, but we would just send in a recorded audition for that one. It’s going to be a busy February!


I reached out to Boston University; they are running behind on pre-screens and should have results by the end of the week.


My kid is getting really close to all the applications (not auditions) being done! And then we parents threw a curveball and asked him to apply for a music BA due 1/10 (due to scholarship possibilities). So, he had to write another essay instead of finishing up TNS and Columbia. :rage:

Hi everyone, Does anyone know about the scholarship process at UNT or CU Denver? My son’s been accepted pre-music and offered scholarships from each university’s automatic or general scholarship funds. It looks like we need to apply for any more he wants to receive. They have separate portals. Does that sound like your experience? Did you need to do this at UNT for music $$?

He’s auditioning for music at UNT, right? He would be offered music scholarship money after audition and acceptance into the college of music and you don’t have to apply separately for that. The other generalscholarship application/portal is for everything other than straight academic scholarships and music scholarships.
My son was accepted to the college of music first and received his music scholarship a couple of weeks later.


Thank you! That makes sense and makes things a lot easier than scrolling through the hundreds of scholarships in their portal. Yay!

I don’t really need to worry about this yet, but I’m putting my nervous energy into gathering information.

In the meantime, I spoke to a music admissions officer at CU when I was confirming details about an upcoming virtual tour, and they said the music department does not award scholarships; you have to apply for them all. I was worried it was the same at UNT, USC and our state school. I think/hope CU might be the only one.

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I am so grateful for this community! I really appreciate how We all celebrate, commiserate and support one another though this process.

In this spirit, I have a dilemma- this may be specific to vocalist parents: is anyone thinking about keeping your child out of school for audition season? My daughter is the only person still masking at her school and she (and I) am terrified of her getting sick- Covid or otherwise.

Her auditions will run from 1/20-3/3, the period of 2/12-3/3 will be 5 auditions! (crazy, I know)

I would really value any and all feedback. I want her to have as “normal” of a time as possible (outside of this crazy process), but these auditions really will dictate a very important time in her life…

She is open to this and wants to do all that she can to keep herself healthy. I just want to make the best decision for her and am looking for input.


Not crazy. Not just vocalist. We still mask, very few others do.
I kept my son out of dance class until after he had all his recordings made for pre-screenings. We homeschool. He ended up sick pre-Christmas, not Covid, but as a result his remaining applications were not done prior to Christmas. Now we’re re-evaluating again as we go into live auditions.

You are not alone.


Momelia - I honestly don’t know how kids do it! My VP daughter is dual enrolled and is doing minimal school work this semester and it’s all online. I’m so grateful we’re able to swing in this way. She is auditioning 5 weekends in a row, late January into Feb at 6 schools. 2 flights involved, the rest will be on the road. She also has a video audition she is trying to sneak in a sample lesson for which will require a quick trip too, we may be able to swing that as a day trip. We will definitely be masking! I actually got my covid booster yesterday, I’ve been holding off for audition season. My daughter had both covid and the flu in the fall (very uneventfully) so I’m hoping that saves us some, but I’m sure we’ll be masking and eating take out on the road for the most part. Though we do want to do some fun stuff while traveling. We’ve really not traveled since covid.

I hope you can find a way to a good compromise for you and your singer’s sanity. We’re in the midwest and I tried to leave an extra day for travel on each side. My son auditioned to music programs a few years ago and we were delayed several times due to weather. We had 15 inches of snow last week, that seems like enough. It can be done now. :joy:


Our fear as well! My DD will not stay out of school. Honestly, the rest of us in the family are out working and going to school so there is not much we can do but try to keep everyone healthy, happy and hydrated. At some point we leave it all to fate. (Doesn’t make me any less anxious though!!)



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This is our schedule too. Exciting but exhausting to think about!


You will never not feel this way! I still go through this with my S22 just hoping he makes it to the next concert/performance/audition.

Your D may already do this, but if not-- she should do a saline flush every day or even twice a day. I swear it helps keep things healthy. Some virus is unavoidable, but I really think the flushing is a major preventative measure.

My S22’s auditions were all virtual since covid made a comeback last winter, so he didn’t go through the travelling we thought he would. Even YoungArts was virtual!

I wish yours all the best- it really is a fun ride and I can’t wait to hear how it all goes for you (and everyone else here)!

Toi toi toi!


Just bought the Navage machine this week! As well as immune supplements and pushing hydration! Thank you!


Has anyone heard back from Carnegie Mellon about their VP prescreens? The website said that the results would be out by January 10.