Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Not yet. My D is waiting, too.


This comment. It never ends. Professional shows and covid…it’s a constant worry you have to live with.

Best advice: cross your fingers.

And do what you think best…mask, hydrate, isolate and…cross your fingers. If your kids gets sick, communicate with the school.

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Also looking at 5 audition weekends in a row, two drives and three flights, oy! Fingers crossed! Good luck!

And wash your hands, y’all!


We are also waiting for CMU!


This is an interesting dilemma. When my Soprano D was auditioning for undergrad she was in her senior year at a public school and she would not have wanted to give that up, even with the importance of the auditions. We went and bought a bunch of vitamins, zicam, etc and she even wore masks to school (this was in early 2019). She definitely did her Oberlin audition and maybe one other sick. Fortunately she didn’t feel like it affected her voice. She didn’t get into Oberlin but never felt like the sickness caused that.

Fast forward to now and she’s in her senior year of undergrad, it’s not an option to do that online (maybe she could have scheduled some online classes but she wouldn’t have wanted to after 2020-21, plus with being a music major this is very limited ). Anyway, we are going to do all the preventative things we can and hope for the best. Also worrying about the weather here in the Midwest and in the northeast for 2-3 of our auditions , but we can’t do a thing to control that.

So far we have 2 consecutive weekends scheduled with 3 auditions, waiting on 2 more.


When my daughter flew to Austria this summer she used a humidifier mask that her voice professor recommended (she had to sing very soon after the flight). That might be a good idea for both germ prevention and keeping things hydrated when our kids are flying to auditions. I’m going to suggest it to my D - I don’t know if it’s as big a concern for a 2-3 hour flight.


Boston area parents/students, could you please recommend practice room rental facilities near the NEC/Copley Square area? Heading out there this weekend - hotel is “no noise” zone. No need for a piano in the room - needed for a flutist. Many thanks!

I posted about five months ago about my son (oboe performance major) being sidetracked by illness just as he was beginning this process. To those that responded to my original post thank you. I’m sorry I did not respond. I had to take a few steps back to wrap my head around everything that was happening. I am happy to report that he completed 6 months of chemo and is doing well. Somehow he has passed all of his prescreens and will be taking auditions at

San Francisco
UC Boulder (virtual audition)
Chicago College of the Performing Arts

I am so thankful that he was able to manage academics, trial lessons, and recording prescreens during his treatment. I wasn’t sure if we maybe should have pulled back and delayed for a year but he wanted to push through. I am so thankful that we are on the other side of this. I just finished booking flights and hotels. February is going to be a busy month. He has auditions every weekend, (two weekends are doubled up) and one the first weekend in March. He is still immunocompromised so this will be tricky to navigate.

Best of luck to everyone! This is going to be a wild ride.


Amazing news, amazing son. Wow.

Sending you all the best as you go through this busy time. I’m sure your perspective is well in line after what you and your family have been through.

Keep us posted!


Wow, he sounds like an amazing and perseverant person. Congratulations on the invitations from so many great schools.


Hello all! I’m a current HS senior applying for double majors in voice performance and music ed. So far, I’ve heard from all my prescreens except for two. Got past Northwestern, BU, UMich, Ithaca, auditioning for Fredonia. I have already completed auditions for Syracuse, UMaryland and Crane - got into Crane!

I haven’t yet heard from Carnegie Mellon or Eastman regarding prescreens, do you think this is a bad sign? i’m beginning to be worried because Eastman is important to me, and I have a vocalist friend who has already gotten past the prescreen.

Thanks for the help!


Hey there, we are ALL waiting on CMU! So do not fret about that one. As for Eastman, I will defer to someone else. My VP D has received her invitation, so I don’t know what to advise.
I wish you all the best!


Thanks! It’s easy to go back and forth and second guess while waiting on results! Lol!

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We just heard from CMU. Crossing my fingers for all of you!!


Just heard as well, got past! Thanks so much for the help. Still waiting on Eastman :frowning:


Congrats!! Eastman and Blair need to get a move on. :wink:


My D did as well :relaxed:


CMU audition!


I’m glad you felt strong enough and safe enough to share your family’s struggles. That is quite the audition list!!

I will be cheering for him and your whole family to have a safe and joyful audition season. It is quite an accomplishment that he was able to complete and pass prescreens. Good on him from being strong and determined. And good on you for supporting him.

Keep us updated.


Yay for more results!! Can Yale and Curtis please step up now? lol.

We did hear she made the semi finals of Schmidt Vocal Arts undergrad competition (upper division), so at least we heard SOMETHING today. :crazy_face: