Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

We also have not heard from Curtis other than - “we’ll let you know this week.”

Curtis is sending out results by instrument - violins went out this afternoon

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Hmmm…alphabetical? :crazy_face:


Reverse. The accordion always gets to go first.

Mine has one Sunday, too. There will be snow- probably more than he’s ever seen in his life if we added together all the snow he’s ever seen! I hope he protects his hands…


We heard this evening for violin (my child made it through to the live rounds). I was getting nervous waiting so long as well, especially since there is so much rep to play. My child mostly knows string players and says violin, viola, and cello have all been announced.


She just got the Curtis audition!


We also finally heard from Curtis and she got an audition. Now to figure out if we can shoehorn it into the same weekend that she has 2 opera performances.

Tomorrow morning we leave for Eastman !


Congrats! :tada:

That’s fantastic!!! She’s gotten such great prescreen results!

YES! That’s amazing!!

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Early Action Miami/Frost decisions will be released tomorrow (1/27) afternoon!


My son is working his way through his 12 applications, and I’m thinking about all our kids making such a huge effort for their music. He’s now fully applied to four schools, with another virtual audition on Saturday that will bring it up to 5.* The remaining 7 or 8 still need auditions–be they uploaded, virtual or in person. This weekend is a bummer, because a special performance he was part of changed its time, and now it’s on top of his virtual audition and he had to bow out. :frowning:

ETA: Of the four, he’s been admitted to one and has no answer yet from the other 3.


Thanks. A half-inch of snow shuts everything down where we live! Fingers crossed!

I thought we had it rough with one cello…

I get the feeling this may be a large group audtioning. Busy day! There’s an opera to see, too!

He’s voice, right?


Yes, he’s voice!

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We have tickets for the 28th, after her audition. Didn’t want her up too late the night before!


My kid is auditioning at a state flagship this weekend. Of course it is snowing today and tomorrow! :roll_eyes: :joy:

Good luck to auditioners and parents this weekend!


My music student went to an accepted student’s day at Lawrence a few years ago and it was snowing (a lot!) in mid-April!!! Or, rather, it was snowing a lot in Milwaukee the night before when we arrived and the morning of when we left for Appleton. By the time we got to Lawrence, it was clear.


Ha maybe no coincidence that is the very state we are in!

Next month kiddo is auditioning in Chicago and Appleton the same weekend and that will all be a road trip. Crossing all digits!


All digits crossed for you!!!