Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Which audition is in Chicago? It sounds like a fun but wild ride. :slightly_smiling_face:

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DePaul is having a round on a Sunday. :partying_face: My kid really likes both DePaul and Lawrence as of right now. She had an amazing sample lesson at DePaul especially.


We just arrived on campus. They gave us tickets for the opera tonight. About to take the campus tour while he is in a practice room . Conservatory tour is on the schedule tomorrow. Good luck to all auditioning this weekend!


Bonus points for @libbyshims for posting an update while kid is in the practice room on audition day! I love the support and sense of community on this thread. Warms my heart!
Good luck to everyone auditioning this weekend.


Woohoo! Best wishes.

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Make sure to hit Slow Train-- very good coffee and Cleveland Bagels! Enjoy yourselves as much as possible!


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Good luck to all auditioning this weekend! We had a great trip to U Mich and Carnegie Mellon last weekend - love hearing how everyone is doing. I am always far more nervous than my kid!!


Oh, good! I was worried we should have reserved them!

I am not on the trip but son is two hours away. Maybe he can find a practice room after all day in the car!

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Dropping in to say Good luck to all this weekend.


Thank you! (My kid has his first virtual audition tomorrow.)


Was just looking through threads and saw your post. Mine is applying to those exact schools, too!

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Thank you. I always find it harder watching my children do something than doing something myself! Performances, sports, doesn’t matter what!

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Did anyone have children who auditioned today at SMTD? Did they receive early action decisions?

Break a leg to all those headed into the thick of audition season!

My daughter is all settled, and while I’m happy and excited for her (and definitely don’t envy the stress of it all), I’m wondering what we are missing out on not participating in all this excitement—not to mention all that time with her as the days dwindle.

It will be so fun to see where everyone ends up!

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Good luck to everyone auditioning this weekend. Stay warm and don’t forget to have fun!

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Thank you!! He will have confidence going in and knowing he got into UMD school of music yesterday flute performance. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This week he got a big scholarship from his Towson audition too so he is ending the music school audition process on a high so far after the disappointment of not passing USC Pre -screen


Mine brought hand warmers. His older brother attends RIT in Rochester so he just raided his bro’a upstate NY warmth gear.

Good luck to him!!


Thanks. Here now thankfully no delays. Insomnia has set in at 2 am so scrolling CC and Reddit college threads for two hours :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Will have to take a long nap when we get back to the hotel after the audition and touring places we didn’t get to see during our first visit last fall during open house.

Same here, wide awake and trying not to bother the kiddo! Anyone at the Hotel at Oberlin wanna get coffee?:blush:

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HI there, My son is at DePaul SOM. :slight_smile: He applied/auditioned to only 2 schools last year - Lawrence and DePaul. He was offered scholarship at both but chose DPU for a variety of reasons including location, the SOM building, and the faculty. One observation he mentions to me often is how much he likes having graduate students as part of the studio because he learns from them and sees them as a benchmark of where he needs to be. And playing with the graduate students is inspiring to him. (Lawrence is only an undergraduate school.) The SOM building is just so BEAUTIFUL AND STUNNING and really state-of-the-art. He spends his entire days there and just loves it! His studio faculty have been great and have been supportive. And, living in Chicago really is the biggest advantage to DPU. Just thought I’d throw in a plug for DePaul since it’s never on anyone’s radar as a music conservatory. :slight_smile: