Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@SweetStrings It would be so great if we could meet up! Do you have a son or daughter auditioning at CIM? What instrument? My son applied to Lynn somewhat on a whim, so great to hear your daughter is loving it!

Fingers crossed for him. Music applications are sooo very stressful. My son was a music applicant a few years ago. It is a tough road.

But I’m glad he has an affordable acceptance, even if it’s not his first choice. And congrats to him on passing such rigorous prescreens!


We should connect there though it will be last minute as neither of us will know their audition times until that morning. We may have some hours to burn - or not!

Yes, it would be lovely to connect!

So very true! Which also adds to the stress. Mine is not a morning person and needs lots of lead time to be alert and warmed up. We are treating it like he will have the first audition.

Hi folks,
My son will be interviewing this weekend at Carnegie Mellon School of Music for the BFA in Electronic Music—for composition students, the portfolio is submitted for the pre-screen followed by an interview by way of an audition. Can anyone tell me anything about what he should expect, or what he can do to prepare? This will be his first on campus interview for a music program. (he had a general interview for bard where he applied to their BA program).

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Thanks so much. We figured out that we missed a piece of the initial Berklee application, the CSS Profile, something most schools don’t require (we got the FAFSA in on time). So he was admitted and got the merit scholarship but nothing else. Unfortunately, the CSS was due January 15. I’m going to call Berklee today and see if they’ll let us submit it late. I feel like an idiot for overlooking it, but we had a lot of applications going out. On the upside, this alerted us to the need to submit the same form to Eastman by the end of the month.

First of all, congrats on the acceptance!! I hope you are able to celebrate this great news, despite the disappointment in the merit award. It is a fantastic achievement!

I ran the Music Merit Awards thread last year, and while Berklee did not seem to get much action on this chat last year for some reason (schools seem to ebb and flow and this is definitely a small sample!), I would encourage your student to see what offers they get from other schools, and then, if Berklee is still their first choice, take the offers that are larger than Berklee’s back to Berklee and let them know that Berklee is a top choice if the merit award can be increased to match (or come close) to another offer.

People can be reluctant to do this, but it is absolutely fine. In fact, my S22 did this and got a bump in the merit award and stuck to his word and committed.

You’ve got a long road ahead and there will be more to celebrate and debate in the months to come.

Best of luck, and thank you for sharing the news with the group. It helps others on the same path.


It shouldn’t be too late. Based on my experience with other schools, Berklee will almost certainly let you submit it now.


That’s an interesting tip. I would have never thought to negotiate financial aid like that, but now we know! We’re hoping he will be accepted with a decent scholarship to one of the other schools. He’s really experienced in classical piano rather than jazz or contemporary, so the others are probably a better fit in many ways. He’s auditioning for Boston Conservatory too, so if he gets in there, he has access to Berklee classes and the whole culture of Berklee anyway. We’ll see. It’s going to be a busy month.


@elm100 in our experience, interviews for composition varied a lot in terms of a friendly chat versus rigorous grilling over scores. That looks like a great degree program! Did his portfolio include scores? Generally speaking, interviews involve going over work, artistic interests and goals, and maybe seeing how familiar the student is with the field (favorite composers in the electronic realm) - and determining fit (which should be mutual!). Usually friendly and low stress. Exciting!


Your comment reminded me of my D’s UG orientation (which had a parent section…it was so much fun!). On the second day of orientation, my D had to sign up for her classes. I hadn’t seen since the morning before (they stayed in the dorms). She texted me that she’d be at the library to sign up for classes and I moseyed over there to support her. When I arrived, there was a big sign “No Parents Beyond This Point”. The auditions are only the beginning of that…“no parents” thing.

Still, this has been going on for years…and it works out. The kids really do answer those questions well…and find the right school…so I’m sure this batch of students will too.

Edit: just saw @compmom’s comment. And yes, my D’s experience was the “friendly chat” for a performance discussion (not comp in my D’s case). It was never a grilling or a gotcha. I’m sure that could happen…but it was never my D’s experience. It was always positive and educational…and she came away happy for the opportunity to talk.


I’m so happy our kid got his audition day schedule from Loyola! I’m excited for him to experience this school, because I just have a feeling he’ll love it.


@jBliq my son’s auditioning for classical piano. UCLA on Sat and USC on Sun.


Just got into Sunderman with great scholarship but I think no additional aid… will have to look over the package. He called and didn’t sound as excited as he should have because the prices are just- so- daunting. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:


Congratulations on the acceptance and the great scholarship. It’s a fantastic accomplishment! I know, that doesn’t really help with the disheartening part, but I hope your son can celebrate a little, and I hope once you look over it, it will work. This is likely to happen with one or two of my son’s applications, too.


Holy moly! I just looked up their tuition — I didn’t realize it was so expensive! Congrats to your son on getting admitted. No matter where he goes, it will be a good fit.

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Well, I’m bummed.

We just learned about Chicago College of Performing Arts’ jazz program. They’re taking applications through April, but for scholarship you had to apply by 2/1. So, my son did that. But I misread the instructions and thought we had to do the U application by that deadline, then get the music materials in.

Nope. Today I learned that for “full scholarship consideration”, all the materials were due yesterday, including preview videos. I figured he could get them in ASAP and maybe they would consider stuff today. My kid has a lot of videos that will work!

Sigh, accept’d opens up FIVE more mini-essays, which is way beyond what he can do during study hall and at home tonight. So, I think he will continue with his application, and get things in ASAP, hoping there is some scholarship funding still available.

OTOH, he could let that one go, since he has other options. We just learned about it, and there has not been time for him to fully investigate and invest in it.

What do you think?

If he really wants this and if they will accept it one day late…then I would consider pulling him out of school for the rest of the day so he can get it done. But that’s just me.

And…are there any essays he could edit down to work? Saving some time?


More fun: I officially added New Orleans to my weather app so I can spy on my family while they’re there for audition day. :laughing: It’s supposed to be around 60 and sunny. A great day to see the campus and an amazing parade that night.