Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

There’s certainly material I could help him cut. He would need to write about CCPA in particular, but that wouldn’t be too hard. And the videos are “previews” not prescreens, so he can use what he has.

I hadn’t considered taking him out of school. I am totally ok with that, but my kid is very against missing school, so I’d have to insist. I suspect he just loves it there, but also he’s got AP Music Theory and Spanish (7-8) where if he misses a day, he misses a lot of content and it’s hard to catch up. So, I forget this is something we could do! I texted him to see what he thinks about how important this is to him and whether he wants to do that.

He is a guitarist as well! They checked out the campus a bit yesterday and are skiing at Copper Mtn today. Audition in the morning tomorrow. So far said the campus is really great. And there is a Guitar Center in Denver. lol. Not as convenient as the one across the street at Berklee, but good to have nearby;)

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Woohoo! We’re not skiers, but my son loves climbing, and that’s the perfect place.

I’ve been advised to note that it’s a city campus, and I would love to hear what that is like. We live in a city and my kid grew up taking transit or riding his bike everywhere he goes, so getting around, and a city atmosphere, does not worry me. I think he would love it. But I want to know if it also has a dorm life at all. I think he would want that, too. I just successfully finished the housing contract! (Took a while to figure out. If you ever are doing it and have problems let me know. I’ve learned a lot from IT in the past few days.)

@musicfall2023 I’ll DM you.

It won’t work the way it is right now, but the prof is so fabulous that at the very least he has made a good connection. He’s busy applying for outside scholarships, too, but as I’m sure y’all know, they don’t go far relative to today’s sticker prices.

Our EFC is higher than it should be, I thought the CSS would help paint the bigger picture. Guess not. I shouldn’t be whiny, no one’s straffing my house with bombs.

My daughter auditioned for USC Popular Music the weekend before last.


We’re doing a few of these, and I think they’re fairly valuable for the future, but not enough to really impact the price of attendance. I learned that at most schools outside scholarships replace aid, but since aid often includes loans, it would make a difference for 20 years. :+1:

Progress on the journey. We finally got through the tortuous process of CU Denver’s various logins and portals, and my kid has officially applied for housing! :tada: It’s fully refundable, too, up until April.


I try to have perspective and I know we are privileged to be here. I don’t think that means we won’t or shouldn’t feel sadness or pain or whatever emotions come with this. Our kids work hard and we love them. :mending_heart:

I sent you a DM.

Good morning from Rice!! (Well a nearby hotel - my prospective grad student wants my company for the travel but not the audition process).

I have a question about Curtis. She has an audition there on the same weekend as her current university’s opera, which she is committed to and cannot change obviously. Curtis’ audition weekend is Saturday- Sunday with finals on Monday. She emailed them and asked if she could possibly be scheduled for Sunday. They said they would do their best to accommodate which is amazing! I wanted her to ask for Sunday AFTERNOON. But it is her impression that everyone scheduled for that day shows up in the morning and times are drawn lottery style. Does anyone who has experience with Curtis know if this is how the process works?

She has an opera performance beginning at 7 pm that Saturday night. Mom-travel agent - is struggling with getting us there by 8-9 am. Overnight flights from Cincy-Philly are non-existent. I’m not wild about the idea of driving all night. Ugh. Even if her time was noon we’d be ok but if she has to report first thing in the morning this is gonna be tough.

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Our experience with Curtis auditions is all candidates report first thing in the morning and then there is a random selection for first round time slots. She can call to verify, but I believe this is the process for all studios.

It’s been awhile for the audition at Curtis; and I did not attend. But I do know that she had to show up in the morning to find out her audition time. Then you audition and have to wait to see if you progress to another audition. I also remember that she had to have a hotel for 2 nights in case she progressed to the final rounds. She stayed with friends, luckily. None of them got to the final round. And, only one grad VP student was chosen that year. Of course it is different every year.

I think it would be best to call and see if she can have her audition in the afternoon. I think they were doing first round audition in the afternoon too. I do remember my D’s was in the morning…and I think that she knew she was out by the afternoon. I think her guy friend was afternoon and knew he was out by the evening…in time to hit up the bars to drown their sorrows.

And good luck to her at Rice!!!

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Gosh, that’s tough. It’s doable, but kind of dreadful travel-wise.

Are there any red-eyes to New York, and then you could take a train to Philly? EWR has a train station right at the airport, which makes it somewhat easier.

Or…can she draft a REALLY polite email and ask if there is any possibility of being assigned an afternoon slot? Explaining the lack of flights and lack of trains at that time of day, and that you are unable to drive all night to get her there?

Or…here’s really thinking outside of the box.

If there are two drivers in the family, one leaves Saturday afternoon and gets to a mid-point somewhere and goes to sleep early. DD and other driver leave after her opera and arrive middle of the night, and first driver has slept and is refreshed and drives the second half of the trip.

Of course, that means the first driver misses the opera, and you guys put a lot of extra driving on the second car, but it could work.


Thanks so much everyone!! Knowing that there might be an afternoon session as well instead of EVERYONE showing up in the am and drawing time gives me hope. I will suggest she draft a polite follow up email seeing if she could possibly be in the pm slot. I did look at flights to EWR, not really any red eyes out of CVG. There is a VERY early am option that would be cutting it very close at best. Keeping that in my back pocket.

We are very aware the odds at Curtis are slim but we’re willing to put ourselves out there for the chance if we can make it work. If nothing else it’ll be fun!!! :slight_smile:


Wishing your D all the best this weekend- TOI TOI TOI!

Definitely following from the undergrad voice major peanut gallery!!


I didn’t see this idea before. Very outside the box - I like it! My husband would probably kill me for suggesting it. Her boyfriend would be the ideal candidate to do this but he’s also in the opera. I’d have to the be the one to go ahead and rest in the hotel. I will think on it.

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I just sent you a DM.

This is my life today. My son is at the airport leaving for New Orleans, and I’m stuck at home sending him messages about emails he should send. :laughing: :cry: He’s been great at sending in everything needed for applications, but follow-up questions are something I find I need to drive.