Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Thank you! I’m definitely along for the ride. I think we are both content with just staying in our room near a bathroom and riding out the day. She’s done very well “sucking it up” for the past hour (I’m older and much more worse for the wear lol)

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Others here have had great advice and I don’t have any, just sending good thoughts.

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I’m not sure if there are many here who’ve applied to Loyola NOLA, but if so, have you been getting duplicate emails from them? My kid auditioned yesterday, and this morning I got an email asking him to choose an audition date. It’s disconcerting. I suppose he should call admissions.

The audition day was great, from what I can gather from here at home. Break out groups allowed applicants to meet faculty from their specific programs, there was a student panel, tour, cake! etc… Last night, there was a parade in the French Quarter. I haven’t asked about his audition itself. He’s not home yet and I want to give some time.

Everyone is so helpful, and I have one more question. What’s the etiquette around sending a thank you note? Is it a nice gesture, like in normal life, or is it frowned upon or weird after an audition?

ETA: I say “one more question” like it’s the last I’m ever going to have. :laughing:


I just found an old thread about thank you notes, and to sum up, people were split on what they thought was right and whether it helps.

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Did anyone apply for additional scholarships at a university. It seems like pubic ones like UNT, Colorado, and our state U each have a scholarship portal where your kid can apply. Most of these are due by 2/15 or 3/1. We won’t know yet what school he wants to attend. Does he go ahead and apply for those and then, if they are offered, decline them if he decides to go somewhere else? In particular, Colorado has three music-specific scholarships that are not awarded by the department. I think they require us to apply.

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Also wondering how it went and what you thought @musicfall2023 . I hope it went well

My husband and daughter were also at the CU Denver music open house on Friday. It was a whirlwind <24 hour trip because she had to be back for a commitment on Saturday. Overall, she really liked the school. She was particularly impressed by the recording studios. She found the atmosphere to be very friendly and collaborative rather than competitive. There seem to be tons of performance opportunities, both in the required ensembles at the school, but also out in the city. She liked the location being right in downtown Denver. I think this school will be a real contender for her. If either of you has questions or wants to compare notes, feel free to DM me.


Keep asking questions! It’s why we hang around here!

Mine sent handwritten thank you notes to those that he auditioned for. I am big on thank you notes in general. (side note: his bday is right after the xmas holiday and we have always called it Thank You Note Season).

I don’t think it helps/hurts, but I do feel it’s the right thing to do, and a good habit to develop in a young adult.


I feel that way, too, and I will talk with him because I don’t think he’s thinking straight right now, with all the stress of this process. He is really hopeful about some of these schools and working hard to get through all these steps. It’s weird to receive celebratory folders and streamers and stickers and such, while still waiting for the music answers. He has, I think, four of these.

I’m stressed, y’all. :laughing: (I can’t speak for whether he’s nervous about answers, but who would not be?)

As we talked about above, he’s the one who knows more about how this is going, and he can control many things I cannot. So at least I can worry about things like thank you notes.

In the meantime, adding stress, he plans to land around 1 pm today after a 36-hour turnaround consisting mostly of flights, to then go to two rehearsals tonight with two bands. I wish he would rest, but he loves it.

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Did he write notes to each person who was there? Like for one of his auditions I know the guitar professor was there, but they were also accompanied by a piano professor. It would seem he should thank each one separately, right?

Thanks! My kid is looking for so many of those same things: performance opportunities, a collaborative atmosphere, music in a city setting. We’ll probably visit in March after the other auditions slow down. I think the only one he has in March is Berklee, and it’s virtual, so we’ll be able to breathe a little.


Yes. Some of the places required extra essays for scholarship applications.

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He wrote to the two profs he had lessons with, and at the third school which he didn’t have a lesson, they wrote him an email after the audition, so he was able to get their names and wrote to two of them (the ones who signed the email).

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We didn’t do any thank you notes. Would that task add another layer of stress for an already busy guy? I don’t think they are important at all, after auditions. For a sample lesson, maybe a quick email thank you?


No “thank you” notes for auditions, but always a thank you note after a trial lesson, interview, one on one “talk” or a feedback email. This is my daughter’s process.


My son received a personal note from the guitar teacher with his acceptance at CU. It did make it clear whom to write to! (He uploaded his audition and hadn’t met anyone.)

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Did you do them before you knew if your kid would go there?

My son wrote thank you’s (email) if it was clear who to write to. He also wrote thank you’s to people at his second choice school after he made his decision. He wanted to keep bridges in good shape, as it were.


@fn3263 Replying to you both here, hopefully you see it! He loved the campus, and they did a great job of explaining the advantages over a larger program like Berklee. I appreciated how quickly Denver has responded to any questions and how flexible they have been with changes along the way. It seems like a really manageable campus, and direct flight from many locations. The professors were interactive and welcoming and the sound recording equipment/studio set up was top notch. I thought we would be packing him up for Denver, but over dinner last night he said Berklee was still at the top of his list.


I’m so glad he really liked it! It sounds great, and it’s good to hear that the recording facilities are as good as they look online. I’m happy to hear it was that close of a runner-up, because my kid is auditioning at Berklee, but it’s highly likely we can’t afford it. From the materials, it seemed to me like CU was sort of a mini Berklee. :slight_smile: (It’s a much shorter and cheaper flight for us than any other school he’s looking at. That would be a nice bonus.)


I’m frustrated and worried about C0lumbia Chicago. My kid applied a few days ahead of the deadline (1/18) and was accepted to the college on 2/5, which opened up the portal to reserve an audition slot.

He spent the majority of the day yesterday on an airplane, and the night at 3 rehearsals, only to log in this morning and find out that all the slots are already taken. Now, he’s on a waitlist, and he has listed other dates he can do (any weekday in February as well as one of the Sundays).

I’m worried and getting heartbroken already that he won’t be able to apply to this program. They say “not all requests can be accommodated”, and I don’t know what we could do at that point. Will he have to withdraw? :cry:

I know, I’m getting ahead of things, creating a worry, but I can’t help it. I’m also kicking myself for not insisting that he apply earlier, but it was just too stressful. It’s been one of his main options…a great program for him, and one that we know about from a friend who attends. We thought if he applied by the deadline he would be able to audition.

ETA: I added below that he’s been accepted to the BA program. Cool! The audition is to add the option of the BMus. However, we would still need to find some money (thinking/expecting the BMus will come with an offer of more than the BA does. I hope so. The school is expensive. It’s around mid level on our list, but still a little too much without more $)