Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Oh my gosh, stopped for a triangle. That is a great story right there. :smiley: My kid plays quad drums, and now I’m imagining the comedy of trying to take them on a plane! (Unrelated but BTW, he has informed us he’s doing his quad solo upside down and blindfolded next week for the final pep game of his career.)


I’m going to place my bet. Kid will end up in Louisiana. Either UL or LoyNo. Going to tour both next month.


Oh interesting. Going to an audition without her snare would be a flat no for my daughter. On the other hand, she doesn’t take auxiliaries to college auditions except maybe her tambourine if there’s an excerpt on the list.

Regarding thank-yous: I think it’s fine to only thank the top couple of profs (or one prof) he’d like to work with, and to be sincere in the thank you regarding any particular interest the student has in the prof’s studio.

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If I had to guess, my son will end up in Louisiana. Either U of L-Lafayet (te) or LoyNo.

Entering in as vocal performance but I can see him adding recording arts or business as well.


Yes, D did receive that form.

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Did anyone hear from UMD Music on scholarship? They sent out main University merit today but am not sure if the departments and colleges did too

Wondering the same. We didn’t hear anything. :confused:

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Where are your students auditioning this weekend? My kid has a virtual audition very early Saturday morning with C0lumbia College Chicago. That’s all for this week.


My son just left for Boston and auditions for Boston Conservatory on Sunday. Then he heads for Rochester later in the week for an Eastman audition. Then he flies from there to NYC to audition for Mannes and then home again, missing roughly a week of school. Then he’ll be finished with auditions. Whew! I wish I could go on all these visits, but my job isn’t flexible, so my husband is the designated traveler.


Daughter had Eastman audition today! Headed to Baltimore tomorrow for Peabody audition on Tuesday


Hello all I’m having a little concern and wondering if you have any calming thoughts to share. My son has an audition at NYU in a few wks. Feb 20 is the financial aid deadline. For some reason, we thought we sent his CSS form to NYU wks ago, but then noticed on the portal yesterday that we did not. So last pm (Feb 16) we sent the CSS application to NYU. Today we checked his NYU portal and it said that it was still “awaiting” the CSS. It was sent electronically, but I’m questioning if the financial aid office won’t have the CSS form by Feb 20. Does anyone know how long it takes for a financial aid office to receive the form? Do you think there is any grace period if they say the deadline is Feb 20 and they don’t see it until a bit after that date?
Any thoughts? And will anyone else be at the Steinhart Jazz Studies audition first wk in March?
Thanks in advance.

I can’t answer about NYU, but at UMiami we were a few days late and they gave a grace period. I don’t see how it would take 4 days, but I would call.

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How was the Eastman audition? My son has one there next week, and we’re wondering what to expect. He’s auditioning for piano.

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Wonderful! There is an AM presentation for the school in general and later on in the morning a departmental presentation.
It can be a long day: for voice it was 9-7, which was accurate! D’s audition slot was 5:33! Skills testing is done separately from audition.


Thank you! It sounds well orchestrated. I’ll tell him to be prepared for a long day!

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S23 was awarded 45k Fine Arts Merit Scholarship at Jacksonville U. Basically full tuition. Small school but going to have to check it out! Total COA would be around 13k/yr.

ULouisiana COA around 8k/yr. LoyNo might end up around 15k/yr. Xavier might end up around 14k/yr.

Still awaiting musical decisions at Indiana, DePaul and UNF.

He is in at U of Dayton but likely too pricy. In at Gustavus with total COA 23k/yr but he felt too small and too remote (he is a midwest kid and if the school is small, he wants a different climate). In at Western Michigan but COA 29k.


I hope that means they haven’t sent them out yet

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He has so many great choices and scholarships. I love following along to see where he’s headed. :heart: I would be thrilled if loyola came down that low for us. So far, my kid has been offered 25k, but we haven’t gotten the financial aid letter.


He was offered 32k at LoyNo right now. Our fingers are crossed he gets a bit of my work exchange benefit!