Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Did you get your financial aid letter? I called about when they would come and the staff said they didn’t know.

@BeverlyWest Yes, he just got a financial aid letter this week I believe.

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Opps! Feb 27th, typo.


Son did 1/28 audition at UNT…we stayed at Embassy Suites…digital key was easy and he could have 100% checked in alone…Prob same at Hampton. Uber,Lyft, shuttle were all available at a moments notice. I have a driver if you need one from the airport…she was excellent and timely. The audition itself was the most organized of the 4 we went on (Berklee, Miami, UNT, Eastman). Good luck to your son…I would feel 100% about letting mine travel alone after this trip!


My son received a full scholarship offer from a smaller state school. It was nice to receive the offer, but the school is last on his list of the 7 he’s auditioning for. The problem is that they want a decision on the scholarship by the end of February, and we won’t have decisions from most of the other schools by then, let alone financial information. He still has major auditions this month. I’m not sure how to handle this. Should we ask for more time to make the decision? He’s hoping for better options, but it’s hard to turn down free college without more information, especially for an ADHD kid with an unimpressive academic record. The private conservatories are not affordable for us without significant financial aid. Anyone else here faced this situation?


I would certainly talk with the school about extending the deadline. As many program decisions will not come out until the middle to end of March, this would not be an unusual request. Hopefully it will be negotiable. And take heart, conservatories do not consider academic performance in their decisions.
Great to have one program in his pocket! Hoping for many more.


Yes, one of the reasons he decided to go for private conservatories is that he can focus more solely on music there than at universities, though there are some limited gen ed requirements. He does very well in music classes and has attended the Blair pre-college for years at Vanderbilt. He has been accepted to Berklee, but we’re still waiting on more financial aid information.


I placed a heart on your post to offer support, but I don’t have any good advice. They know that students audition through February, and I wonder why they are asking you to do it this way.

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I wonder about that too. It would be nice to have through March to make the decision. The weird thing is that he thought he had really bombed that audition and the faculty made him nervous. So we were surprised he got such a generous scholarship.

It goes to show you really can’t judge an audition.


We were at Lawrence and DePaul this weekend. We had a great experience at both schools and we having one more day to play tourist and then we are done! We did drive though some snow. The weather is beautiful in Chicago right now though for February.

Kiddo got her first music/academic offer this weekend too. Yay!

Hope everyone had a great audition weekend.


We are done. Finally. It was a long Fall/Winter and now choices to be made! Worth the effort though…saw some great places and eliminated some we thought would be tops.


I would suggest contacting the school for an extension. Let them know that you are sincerely interested but don’t have any other results yet. You could ask for mid-March as a “possibility”…and then attempt to stretch it from there if necessary. You should also let them know if at any time you know that he will not attend that you will let them know immediately. You can take a collaborative approach…good communication and respect. Still I don’t think that they should be asking for the early commitment. So I think that you have every right to push that date back…respectfully.

Good luck.


I’m curious because of your acceptances. It looks like UNT gave a same day decision. Is that right? My kid was deferred at Miami so we won’t know for a while. It was discussed here that miami defers most musicians to consider together as RD. Congratulations to your son for a decision so soon. :slightly_smiling_face::tada:

Yes, same day at UNT. They told us March 15or before spring break was the date at the general parent meeting so I was surprised! He did camp there over the summer and worked with the guitar teacher so he knew his playing going in…maybe that helped???
Most of my son’s friends (music and not) were deferred from Miami.
Thank you!


Yes, he leaves in a few days! I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t love it.

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They may have chatted with each other in Miami. My son talked with another jazz guitarist for a while. Of course, there were probably a good number of them there. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m feeling a little aggravated. I emailed Curtis today about scheduling rehearsal with a piano accompanist for my D. I thought it was strange that they hadn’t sent any info yet on that topic so I offered to get it taken care of. It turns out that they don’t allow rehearsals. You just walk into the audition and play with a pianist you’ve never spoken too. Really? That’s just hard for me to understand.

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I understand your frustration but it’s a very small school with limited practice rooms that are pretty much used in full by current students for their lessons/practice sessions/rehearsals. Best of luck to your student during their audition!