Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@BeverlyWest where did you get the information that the UNT Jazz program only admits 4-6 students per year? My son did not go there, but plays with a number of people who did and my understanding is that they have one of the larger jazz programs around (and obviously a very good program). @GoForth has a son who graduated from the UNT jazz program a couple of years ago. If he still checks in here, hopefully he can give you some more info. But I think it would also be fine just to call the admissions office and ask how many students they typically admit to the jazz program each year. I’m certain it’s way more than 4-6.

And to you and your son and everyone else going through the admissions process this year, best of luck! It’s heartening to see the next generation of musicians continuing the journey!


Hi. They might accept 4-6 jazz bassists a year :slight_smile:


Thank you. We can do the audition virtually or in person because of where we live. It will come down to us going through a lot of variables to choose where to travel.

Thank you for pointing this out, and to you @GoForth, because I was reading wrong. I was looking at the UNT webpage for jazz voice only. It says there are typically 50 - 75 applicants for 4 - 6 acceptances, and I was really confused as to how that could possibly sustain a large jazz program.

ETA: It’s possible the same numbers apply to each jazz instrument, but that’s not something I really need to find. At this point, I’m just reading about numbers that don’t have a bearing on each individual’s process, and I should wait and hear about prescreening before trying to make any plans.

If you have any further UNT questions, let me know. Son has been graduated for about 2 years and is still in the DFW area working as a musician and still is in contact with folks at UNT.


@BeverlyWest Well, there is a sort-of backdoor way to figure it out.

Many colleges have their schedule of classes online, along with how many students register for them.

Here is the required curriculum for jazz at USC Thornton:
Program: Jazz Studies (BM) - University of Southern California - Acalog ACMS™ (

Here is the required curriculum for classical guitar:
Program: Performance (Classical Guitar) (BM) - University of Southern California - Acalog ACMS™ (

In the link below, which lists specific classes, you will see that MPGU 153, which I assume is the required first year individual instruction for classical guitar has room for 15 but only four students registered. You need to check if MPGU is in fact a required course for first years. If it is, then it tells you that USC is prepared for as many as 15 classical guitar students to enroll, but that this year’s freshman class only 4 actually joined the university (very likely more were accepted but some chose to enroll elsewhere).

Classes Offered · USC Schedule of Classes

It looks like the required freshman jazz studio required class is MUJZ153. For guitar, there were 2 registered students (out of 30 allowable slots). Here is the link.

Classes Offered · USC Schedule of Classes

Please review the list of requirements and the schedule of classes before making any decisions based on this information – I put this together rather quickly. You are also welcome to DM me – I have a student at Thornton, but not in the jazz program.

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@BeverlyWest I also sent you a private message. Let me know if you have trouble receiving it.

I’m not sure about UNT…and the numbers discussed here.

Still I just want to point out, to the general audience, that when you say 4 - 6 “acceptances” (and mean spots available) that doesn’t necessarily mean the number of “offers”. Yield is never 100%. So it is very possible that offers could be 8 or 12. Many past students on this site got multiple offers. For VP, I surmised that at many schools the “offers” were about double to the actual spots.

EDIT: And I just read @MMRose commment AFTER mine…who points out the same thing…in a bit more detail. Should have read it sooner!!


Accepted into UNCG for Performance! For those who had been asking about dress, my kid wore a suit, but a very comfortable one. No tie, black shirt. The vocalists auditioning were pretty dressed, too.


Sneaky. I love this. :grin: An allowable 30 slots and just two registered is interesting. I appreciate you looking this up and sharing.

Thank you, @bridgenail for pointing out the difference between admitted and enrolled.

Next step: my son got an audition date for Loyola NOLA.



Congrats on NOLA!

And…the 30 available may be a bit misleading. I double-checked for my son’s specialty and it maxes out at 15, but for his I know they try for no more than 8 and preferably (I think) about 6. So the max number may not be that revealing, but the registered number will be.
I also think that if more students than expected accept in one year, they may make fewer offers the following year to keep their overall four-year numbers at what they consider to be the optimal number. (Not sure of this last one, but I think it is true).

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Congrats!! Is that the first acceptance for your student? Way to go!

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It is! Then tonight more good news - accepted into Lawrence’s double-degree program(Early Action). This makes the rest of the journey a lot less stressful.


Congrats on UNCG and Lawrence! I visited Lawrence and almost applied there because everyone who was there was so friendly and welcoming, but I ultimately decided not to apply because it didn’t have what I was looking for with the music Ed program.


That’s great!! Remind me what is your son’s instrument/major?

Well done!!


Hello everyone! This is my first post in 4 years, I participated back when my daughter was applying to undergrad, and now here are - grad school time! I had kind of forgotten this place as she went through the process this fall and then recently it popped back into my brain!!

My girl ended up doing her undergrad (Vocal Performance) at Miami of Ohio. Not a high profile place but there was a teacher there she wanted to work with and they brought the money to the table so there she went. Lesson - the teacher she wanted to work with left 2 years in, which was a tragedy at the time and SO political and complex for my daughter, but the replacement teacher has been amazing and it turned out having 2 different teachers can be a good thing. Putting this out there for all the current HS parents.

Now for my question - for those who have been through the grad school process, how long does the prescreen process usually take? I’m on pins and needles over here about so much TRAVEL in Jan, Feb and March - I need to start planning.

We live in Ohio and she applied to Rice, university of Houston, Yale, Curtis and Eastman. So all over the place. I’ve read through a lot of this thread and seen a lot about recorded or virtual auditions , so maybe one or two can be handled that way, and hopefully we’ll be able to schedule Rice and Houston close together. But it’s going to be a lot. Surely they have to get the prescreens done fairly soon…???

(Edited to add: I’m purposely being optimistic that she’ll get an audition at every single school! :slight_smile: )


Congrats to your dd on her graduation and good luck with the application process for her Master’s!
Prescreening results should come out in early to mid-January with live auditions anywhere between end of February to early March (I know, not very specific but each school is different - the earliest live audition for my son last year was February 23rd and the latest was March 3rd)


Thank you!! I think I have blocked out the undergrad auditions because I can’t remember how early they started. So I can’t even draw on my own experience. Lol.

One of the schools - Houston I think - had a date available of Feb 4th, they were one that asked for her preference of dates. So hopefully they will get back to her before January!


For grad level, I did not travel with my kid, even to Europe. She made all her arrangements. I did go to Montreal with her, for fun :slight_smile: I loved your story about the undergrad switch in teachers and the positive take. Good for everyone to think about!