Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

D is done. 6 (live) auditions. 5 cities. 3 couch surfing weekends. 2 hotel stays. Only 1 weather-disrupted flight (whew!). Now it’s just the waiting. She’s had some positive back channel feedback, so she is hopeful, but not certain. And then, it will come down to the money.

In the meantime, she and a couple of friends who also ended their audition journeys in New York are giving themselves a mini-break before going back to school next week–or in her case, rehearsal on Sunday night.


Congratulations to her and you for being done!

Finally we are finished. My son decided to withdraw his applications from SFCM (the live audition dated conflicted with Juilliard), and Indiana Jacobs (he was scheduled to audition this weekend but was too exhausted). In the end he took 6 auditions, 5 in person and 1 virtual, Chicago College of the Performing Arts, Colburn, UC Boulder(virtual), Oberlin, CIM, and Juilliard.

The comradely amongst the kids auditioning for the oboe studio at Juilliard last weekend was really great to see. Those auditioning in the first round waited until those auditioning in second round were done and they all came out together. Parents were on pins and needles waiting for them to come down but it was great that they were actively supporting each other. It was really lovely to see and atypical to the narrative we so often hear.

He received his first acceptance tonight UC Boulder, and two emails from professors at two other schools stating that they hope he will consider joining their studios. So all very positive thus far. We were notified earlier this week that one of the schools has nominated him for a full tuition, room and board merit scholarship which he will interview for later this month.

Now he is focusing on applying for more scholarships. He has won a few but was just notified this weekend that he did not make the finals for the Gates Scholarship (that was soul crushing but not unexpected). He has an interview later this month for a local scholarship of $40,000 so we are deep into interview prep. He knows we are now playing a money game. Waiting for these decisions and financial aid awards is going to be excruciating but I think he will have some good options.


Congratulations on Boulder! And all the demanding auditions completed. It sounds like he did great. :heart:


If a separate thread is created, I hope it will be for financial AND merit aid! There was a merit aid thread in the past that might be helpful.


S decided to tell us last night that he found out a while ago, he was accepted to the music school at University of Oregon. It’s not a top pick, simply because it is far from any music city and too close to home. I still wanted to know. :grin:


Here he goes!


Congratulations! My kid is done, too. He did 3 live auditions, 4 virtual, 5 recorded materials, 3 hotels, 1 very stressful epic snowstorm, and his first solo trip. We saw Miami for the first time and heard live music in Little Havana. He’s heard from several schools already, a few affordable and a few not, so he seems happy and excited. So glad that’s done!

His wind ensemble qualified for state yesterday, which was not a slam dunk. Very excited! Today he’s performing in a competition playing an instrument he hasn’t played before–the contrabass clarinet.


My son (VP) has his last one tomorrow at U of Houston. Been a great ride, but I’m also looking forward to it being over. It’s been an insane couple of months with auditions, all-state choir, school musical and now one act play starting….


My poor kid…his reed did not work this morning during his clarinet choir piece. No one could make it work, nor two other reeds. The room was silent while he changed twice and even asked for a different kind of reed instead, but they had to start. The judge was waiting. He played well and adapted by leaving out some notes. He really has the capacity to be a working musician, because afterward I said I’m sorry kiddo, and he said it was all in a day’s work. :slight_smile: The judge gave them lots of praise for various aspects, including that their tone blended all the way down to the contrabass, so he was able to pull it off.

Update: They qualified for state despite the reed troubles, and his percussion ensemble came in first in the district. And he got an email from one of the professors at a school he’s applied to and loves. So, lots of good music stuff going on.


Well, I never did talk with my son about this question possibly coming up, and it did! He had an email exchange with a professor at one of his very favorite schools (initially his #1, and he told the prof that it remains very high on his list.) He told the prof a few schools where he’s been accepted and a few he’s waiting on. It so happens that the ones he’s been accepted at are a few of the less selective ones, and he’s waiting on the highly selective ones, but I think most students are.

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Hi all- I’m coming undone. These college applications and auditions are INTENSE. My son got an email today from Loyola Marymount saying he was waitlisted. It’s one of the few schools he did not apply to as a music major, but it still feels weird. Today I received an email from UCLA’s music school where my son applied saying, " Join us for Alumni Happy Hour + Industry Insider Panel on April 11…" And it talks about meetings set up for students. My son didn’t get one. Weird. I am on a newsletter mailing list and it probably has something to do with that? Did anyone else who applied to UCLA music school get this invite? Trying to figure out what every little thing means and doesn’t is nerve-wracking to say the least. I just want it to be April 5.


My D23 just received UGAs Hodgson School of Music acceptance email. She got in on the academic side (EA) this fall, this is our state flagship university. It is her first music school decision, and although the result was a bit predictable, it still feels very special!


My kid got her financial offer from Lamont at UDenver and I think we’re at least within our negotiating range and she was accepted to the BM/Performance program. I really had no idea what to expect from them so this was a nice surprise! YAY! We LOVED Lamont, we’re still waiting for a lot of info but still some nice news to get.


Congratulations to your daughter! My son just received an offer from Lamont, too. I read somewhere on a forum that DU does not negotiate. I have no idea if that is even true, but I’d love to know if you are successful in your try.


Oh that is super interesting @MOtubamom ! And congrats to your musician!

I had just watched one of UDenver’s music based FA videos on their youtube finally and in that video that made them sound very approachable in music admissions on financials? That definitely doesn’t mean they aren’t saying no a bunch.

Honestly, we may not really be in a position to negotiate at all. We will see! Both my daughter and I liked every program enough to just leave everything on the table for now. Though I did notice online Denver’s academic merit kids get a 3K housing allowance for when they live on campus? Even that tweak would be amazing. We’re pretty happy that it’s at least an approachable offer for us! UG vocalists aren’t always getting super nice scholarship offers.

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Yes! A housing allowance would be awesome! They are a little bit more than some of the other schools we are considering in that area.

I know what it’s like to feel this is intense. I’ve used that exact word several times. I hope it’s feeling less crazy today. Did your son request info from the school separately from his application? They may not have automatically added him to a marketing email list when he applied. Do you live close enough to go?

Congratulations! :tada:

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Are you a UCLA alum? It sounds like that event is for alums and current students and not applicants?