Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Congratulations! I know you really enjoyed Denver.

Congratulations to your son!

No I’m not. I think it was sent to me since I’m on the newsletter mailing list :frowning:

That’s odd. He might want to contact the school to follow up.


Hello there! I’ve seen some references to acceptances…woohoo!..and I’d love to add them to the acceptance thread if you are comfortable with that. Just DM me or tell me here or there. Those threads from previous years have been really helpful for me, and also we get to celebrate. :slightly_smiling_face:


D23 accepted to the Blair School of Music and awarded Cornelius Vanderbilt scholarship. We are speechless.


Have you or someone else started an acceptance thread? Is there a link or title I can use to find it?


Congratulations to your D!!! :tada: :notes:

Wait - translation: full scholarship?!? Whatever it is, CONGRATS!


That’s incredible!! Congratulations!!!




Congratulations! Woohoo!


Just DM’d you, hopefully in the correct order! :slight_smile:

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Wow!!! Congrats!!!


@KaylaMidwest and @MOtubamom, let me know if you want these listed in the acceptance thread. :slight_smile:

That’s absolutely awesome!!!


That’s fabulous! I hope she loves it there as I suspect this is a very tempting offer!


I’m handling a weird little bump in the road, with three friends separately doing this: being kind of aggressive about telling me the quality of schools that they or their kids went to for music and that are not on my son’s list. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe, people are just excited about their schools. It just feels weird. For example, I know it is 100% true our in-state U has a program with exciting ensembles, one of which travels internationally, and a very cool curriculum. It’s a beautiful school, too! My kid just doesn’t want to live in-state. He wants to go somewhere and have a new experience, and wants to be in a city where he can play off-campus sometimes. The state U is in a small town. ETA: OTOH, when they hear about some of the schools he is applying to, they look at me weird in a different way. Like, why would you go to Florida or Texas? They don’t know about the music programs, and they don’t know anyone else who has looked at schools in those places.

Smile and nod. People have opinions about college choice like they do about pregnancy, baby names, parenting. It get overwhelming when you’re in the middle of it and in the end you and your kid have to decide what’s best.
One of my son’s best and most favorite teachers was pushing for a particular school for my son. It was his strong second choice, and a wonderful school, but in the end we picked a different one, that we felt was a better fit for what he needed. Four years later I think we were right, and she’s still one of the best music teachers he’s ever had and I have a ton of respect for her opinion. But we were the ones deciding.

And I’ll add that many people don’t understand sending your kid out of state no matter what you say. If local state U is good enough for my kid, why are you looking elsewhere? And they don’t understand that the cost may not be greater at a more distant college. Honestly, you don’t have to explain.


You’re right, and I hadn’t thought of that. There are definitely those who expect their kid will go in-state, and they definitely don’t understand the cost differences that we personally are seeing. They may not know that a private school, or one in a city, can sometimes cost less than a public in-state.