Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Berklee RD is 3/15 (tomorrow) for undergrads or just grad students? Our counselor had said 3/31 but that was back in January.

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I’m only hearing this from my son’s friends, I’d def look online! But they did say and post 1/31 for Early Action and my son heard on 12/15 so I’m not sure anything is set in stone!

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USC, Rice and Northwestern are out on March 24th, BU on 25th

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I am wondering if others are still waiting to hear from Vanderbilt - Blair. I’m pretty sure @RussianMom has a child who heard around a week ago. And ‘regular’ students seem to have heard and heard about scholarships last week too. Are Blair decisions semi rolling in nature? Or are they released separately for different instruments? My daughter is vocal performance (BM).

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D23 got her Blair decision a bit early because of the scholarship, I am not sure if acceptance is rolling at Blair and based on the instrument/major.

It looks like it’s only scholarship notifications that have gone out so far. I know that in years past Blair has released acceptances about a week before regular Vanderbilt decisions go out…but NOT waitlists or rejections, which made for a rather frustrating week of limbo for my waitlisted kid last year! (he eventually was accepted, so it worked out in the end, but I’m not a fan of that system!)

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My daughter applied to Vanderbilt ED1 for vocal performance and got her acceptance the day AFTER they said they were coming out. It is my impression that the only people from the regular cycle who have heard at this point are those who were admitted to MOSAIC program and signature scholarship recipients. I don’t think any other regular decisions are out.

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have not heard yet (double bass performance)

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Tim Notke - one of the best quotes ever. My oldest’s wrestling coach used this as well as my youngest music teacher. Universal all the way!

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Apologies if this has been posted already. Been a crazy week taking the band kids to the beach for their Spring Trip.
Oberlin sent an email to my son decisions will come out on Saturday the 18th.


I just wanted to acknowledge this reference to wrestling which has been my daughter’s main focus the past 6 years. She has no nerves before auditions or on stage because she wrestles. Everything is easy after you’ve wrestled (paraphrased Dan Gable quote).


I just found 3/31 on their site, but I think that’s an outer limit and students do find out sooner in many cases. That’s what I’ve heard.

Makes sense as EA was 1/31 and we heard 12/15


NEC will be releasing their decisions on March 30th.


My son received his 2nd acceptance today to the Chicago College of the Performing Arts at Roosevelt University. His merit award covers tuition for four years so we would just have to cover room and board, and misc fees.

Based on his audition at UC Boulder he has been invited to interview for the Sher Distinguised Musician Scholarship which is a full ride (tuition, room and board, and stipend). Six students have been invited to interview for the 2 available scholarships. If he doesn’t get it a Merit Scholarship(amount unknown as of yet) will kick in.

So far it appears that he will have at least two affordable options. We’re still waiting to hear from Oberlin, CIM, Colburn, and Juilliard.


Congratulations! That’s fantastic news. Two very different places to live and study to choose from.

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Does anyone know when Boston Conservatory or Eastman notifies students about acceptances? My son auditioned for piano a couple of weeks ago, so it hasn’t been long, and I shouldn’t even be asking. We’re just anxious not knowing all the options yet. March is a very long month for conservatory applicants!


We are still waiting to hear from Blair for regular decision trombone performance. I read it would be on/around April 1st.


DS received an email this morning from the prof at Oberlin he was accepted and was given permission to reach out. He wants to speak to my son via phone regarding the offer they are sending. Super excited for him as this is his #1 choice. Fingers crossed we can work with the offer- it is my understanding they are very generous. I don’t want him to sound greedy, but with my oldest being a 5th year senior at A&M we have to take all things into consideration.


That’s awesome!! Congrats!!! I heard they are generous as well. There are a few kids from my son’s HS who got full rides from the conservatory including a guy from class of 2022.

We too have a rising 4th year whose college is super expensive even with merit/aid so a nice scholarship for kid #2 would be superb!

DS too heard from the Oberlin prof earlier this week but no confirmation of acceptance or scholarship offer so that’s wonderful for your son to have that assurance!

Good luck!