Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

congratulations! keeping everything crossed that it works out :crossed_fingers:

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@BeverlyWest did you fill out the special circumstances section of the CSS Profile?

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I sent you a DM.

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Was it an in-person audition? Did they offer more than one audition day? I’m not sure if it is the same for all, but there were 18 trombones vying for one spot- from Julliard seniors to my high school senior. My son auditioned in the early afternoon and waited to hear via email that day if he made it to the next round or not. He didn’t make it. Not sure if those who did found out on the spot or not.

My child got his first acceptance: Colburn!


My personal experience is that even when I filled out the special circumstances form on the CSS Profile, the colleges didn’t consider that information – but they did when I included the same information in a financial aid appeal. :frowning:


Ahhh ok I see. It is my understanding that the voice auditions are usually held that way and were originally to be held that way this year, but for some reason a week or so before audition week end they let her know the “finals day” was canceled and everyone would just audition once that weekend. So she did her live audition nearly 3 weeks ago and we are still waiting…

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We had a lot of email communication w/ the FA office as well. Some schools go by the previous year’s income so for one kid my spouse’s stroke was not considered until aid was given for sophomore year, even though his stroke was before freshman year. But other schools did take it into account for freshman year.


In general, Curtis announces very late in March to early April. Hang in there with the waiting game!
Congratulations to everyone on their great acceptances today!


Waiting is so hard!! :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


The odds (just in a pure numeric sense ) are definitely against her at Curtis so she definitely sees that as a long shot but would
Be nice to hear from them and all the others!!

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We too knew it was a long shot and he was just so happy to pass prescreens. It really is an honor. But all this waiting still sucks :rofl:

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Thank you so much. I’m definitely going to find out whether something is missing and then we will think about appealing if it’s still his top choice once we have all his offers. He’s good with other choices if this doesn’t come to pass. He has excellent ones. It was just a whirlwind of emotions.

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Hi all- My son got waitlisted at UCLA. He auditioned for Global Jazz (drums) program. I’m wondering if he would get off the waitlist if an accepted Global Jazz applicant declines their offer, or if the waitlist is not major-specific… any thoughts there?? Thanks! (Wow this is all soooo overwhelming)

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The waitlist is almost certainly major-specific, as the number of students accepted is limited by the number of studio slots the faculty have for each instrument.


Thanks… what you are pointing out does make a lot of sense. There was no mention of the major though when UCLA explained about the waitlist. Hmmm… curious how it might all end up.

Thrilled for S! I really hope an appeal is successful!!! I know he loved it there

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My D-VP is waiting to hear from 7 highly competitive schools. She got into Lawrence with a very generous scholarship and then was contacted yesterday with an offer to pay for her flight and hotel to visit the school. I was surprised by this offer! We live very far from the school so I think we may take them up on the offer and go check it out. :smiley:


Same here - really good to pass the prescreen and it was difficult to make it there because audition weekend coincided with her university’s opera but we did it because it felt worth it even if a long shot!

Did you happen to look at the room
And board fees at Curtis? My D as a grad student doesn’t have to live in the dorms but it would be convenient so I peeked at the pricing while we were there. that price! I know you aren’t paying any tuition - but wow it’s very expensive to live in their dorms. Or anywhere in Philly really

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Still it would be a good problem to have… Curtis also has grants available to help cover those fees if needed.

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