Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

You are right - it would be a great problem to have!

Oberlin has posted!! My son was accepted into the dual degree program for oboe performance/undecided with a very generous merit. I so thankful. With his outside scholarships all of his expenses would be covered and he wouldn’t have to take out any loans.

Still waiting on CIM and Juilliard.


DD accepted to Oberlin! Vocal Performance, Soprano :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oberlin-admitted into college with scholarship, waitlisted for conservatory very apologetic, talked about lack of studio space. If he attends college without having been admitted off the waitlist he could then re-apply to conservatory.

When he auditioned it seemed as if the faculty wasn’t really interested in the students, which makes me wonder how few openings there actually were. If you knew you didn’t have space for students…


@sillinessforBschools I’m on my way out, but I will PM you about this later, this exact scenario happened to my double degree applicant.

Congrats to all!


First, congratulations on his acceptance to Oberlin! That’s an amazing accomplishment. :heart:

This is what confuses me, too. Why put musicians and families through this emotional and often quite expensive process, and also take up profs’ time to hold these auditions? I’ve read now about a few schools doing this. It does take up resources one might have dedicated to traveling elsewhere.

ETA: It’s quite possible a space will open up from the waitlist. The music waitlists seem to be real, and I feel like it’s going to be like musical chairs with all the students accepting offers.


I think Covid may have thrown a wrench in the ability of studios to predict the rate at which students move on, especially at a school with a five-year double degree program.

I don’t feel bad about him going to audition because I think the process of auditioning was good, he has some pianist friends at Oberlin with whom he got to visit, and he discovered a number of his friends/aquaintances from last year’s Brevard were auditioning as well. We hadn’t done college tours because of Covid so it was his first chance to see the school, and I think it is useful for him to have it as another model in his knowledge base of how schools can be different.

That said, I was glad he didn’t make it through pre-screening at Blair when I realized how few of those who went to audition were actually offered admission.

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These are all fantastic outcomes. These auditions are an opportunity for so much learning and growth. I’m a person who has big reactions to things that I think sound unfair, but later come around to understanding all the positive things that you talk about here. :slight_smile:

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My son got a no from Williams, too, but it was such a long shot, we did not expect it. :slight_smile:

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What a great string of acceptances. Several of the schools you mention are great music programs. My D did not pass prescreens at two schools but the invite to audition at a third made a big difference.

@1OboeMom make sure the outside scholarship is not deducted from financial or merit aid. I don’t know how it works with merit aid but I do know that sometimes outside scholarships are deducted from aid that is financial. You may have already checked this out!



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I think this audition was positive. I don’t think if we spend tons of money running to six different auditions I’d feel the same way with the same outcome!** :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Agreed, the rub was that the prof liked him so much he was supposedly writing to put him on a list- we didn’t even know there was a list for musicians!

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DS is In at Oberlin College and Conservatory with a very generous scholarships :tada::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::tada:

He also got a full ride to CWRU music school which was totally unexpected esp bc he only auditioned via video. :scream:. We are shocked! So many decisions.

Congrats to all on admissions and scholarships


CONGRATS!!! S24 spent a week with Alexa Still last summer and she and her TA were wonderful! So excited to hear that he has so many amazing options! As the mom of another boy flutist I have been following your journey and so happy for you and your S!!!


Congratulations!! I’m so excited for you and your son.

I want to tell you that our posts and comments in this thread have been so helpful to me during this process.


Amazing news!!!


Thank you compmom, that is definitely something to consideration. I believe that Oberlin does not reduce merit unless your scholarships are greater than the cost of attendance.

I know that there can be tax implications for scholarship monies used to cover room and board. It’s taxed as income income.

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Thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Team Boy Flute!! I love Alexis Still. She is amazing and so talented and encouraging. We love her studio students

We now have to get to know the CRWU flute prof and school. Heading to admitted student day next month I think.


A comment on studio sizes. It does seem that schools should be able to figure that out. You simply count the seniors (for UG only school). That part is easy. It’s the freshmen and sophomores who are the real wildcards. Entering as a music major and then changing your major in Freshman or Sophomore year is not common….but it does happen. So a studio does not know in Nov or Dec who may not return in Jan. Also I remember an acquaintance on my D got released from his studio second semester of Sophomore year…as he had a break up and then spiraled down. The studio gave him time and chances but he stopped going to studio class due to depression. He eventually left the music program.

I would guess most schools figure in the loss of a few Freshmen and Sophomores…by Jr year it seems to settle down. But if you guess wrong…spots may not open up. That would be more apparent doing the audition time…but by then it’s a bit late to cancel auditions. And, of course, there could still be changes. Schools tend to error in their favor (in my opinion)…having a few more students on the line rather than not enough. Of course that’s speculation on my part…but my D was offered an audition that she had no chance for…and it happens in the real world too!! Your kids will get more savvy about this over time.

Remember if a school has a grad program…right now they have only a guess if their UG students will stay. My D did this. Auditioned and was accepted at her UG school….and then sat on it…as she waited for other results. Her teacher knew that she would probably go elsewhere….but could not free up that space for sure. Grad schools decisions are usually earlier…I think 4/15ish. So there could be movement after that at those schools.

So wait lists do move in April. Get ready for April Angst…as your kid decides…and maybe gets off a wait list…or not…gets more money…or not. Still this part is more “fun” than March. It would have to be right!

Congrats on all the wonderful acceptances…with more to come!