Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Very good. No enrollment deposit. I think that is the key.

Good luck everyone as you head down the home stretch!

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USC is rolling out. Even tho son didn’t pass pre-screen, he kept his 2nd choice app (environmental science) in for consideration but that just got denied. He couldn’t compete with the true student science researchers applying. Figures. They had 81,000 applications for 3600 spots or something crazy like that.

Congrats to all who got in Thornton!!! :tada: :tada: :tada:


My son is in at USC Thornton for Jazz Studies!


Congratulations to your son @BeverlyWest !!

Decisions decisions. Hope the cost ends up being favorable!!

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Yes, if this is feasible that really shakes things up. That’s the key. We’re excited and proud right now, and we’ll see the money next week. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m surprised your son did not get into the music school, given his significant talent. He’s gotten such great offers from Oberlin and CWRU.


I get the feeling Thornton is very aggressive on winnowing during the prescreening round and is looking for intangibles. Their music app is a fair amount of extra hoop jumping.

I know other music students from our metro who got into very competitive programs that weren’t invited to Thornton to audition either. My daughter was not invited to Thornton but was invited to Boston U. I know she spent very little time on Thornton’s music app lol, she was fine with it.

Congrats to your son!


Congratulations, @BeverlyWest! What a great bit of affirmation!:clap:

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Seriously! S just reminisced about his three videos he made, in addition to music videos, and the capstone project he created.


I can imagine this happening, because the whole application process felt different from the others.

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It really did! I hope all the financials come in looking good for you!




My son auditioned at Thornton, but didn’t get in. He was admitted to Viterbi for Engineering though, so all is not lost and he’s pretty chuffed about that. :smiley:


Nice! That’s huge.

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Thanks! We learned from my son’s private teacher that the current professor is a classical purist and has low tolerance for deviance, meaning that your technique, tonality, musicality had to be tip top to get past pre-screens. He didn’t pass her high standards.

The Oberlin Flute professor has a history or accepting kids who only had been playing for a few years (tho my son’s played 8) and her philosophy is to accept students who have potential and can grow. I think she wants the challenge of improving her students as well. I think they call it trainable in sports but not sure the music world’s term for it.



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Hi friends, There was so much exciting news today! I tried to get it all into the acceptance and scholarship threads, but I could have missed something because there was so much going on. Please let me know if I’m missing you/your kid anywhere.


Congrats to all ! Did someone mention that they visited Belmont this week? What did they think and did they visit the School of Music? Or any thoughts on Belmont for Commercial Music/Songwriting?

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We visited awhile back…School of Music…my son (guitar) did not like having to take classical lessons the first couple years and also didn’t have interest in taking religion. Other than that it is a gorgeous campus and in a GREAT location. On another note, when we visited another university our tour guide was a transfer from Belmont and commented she works more in this particular area bc of the oversaturation of musicians in Nashville.


Interesting, about the over saturation. The fact that it is in Nashville was on of the biggest pros, but didn’t think of it that way. Having a hard time crossing it off the list because of those connections, but I also do not want her to end up wanting to transfer as I have heard after this lengthy audition year. Her hesitations are the same as your sons. It is a gorgeous campus!

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