Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

My kid also got amazing :moneybag:from DePaul. Almost covers entire tuition for his MM! Makes them very attractive right now.


My son just got a nice offer from DePaul, also.


DePaul must be rolling in the dough :rofl: Son got a excellent offer from Depaul as well.


I like to think that we all have very talented kids… :grin:



We should have applied to DePaul :joy:

We went through this with my son and most schools met our need through a combo of grants and scholarships. Most of the schools my daughter has been accepted at are not meeting our need, coming in above our ECF by quite a bit. UMiami is the only one that has met need. So I was just wondering how to approach schools since we didn’t have to with my son’s options.

Also a no from Curtis… encouraged to apply again next year. Hopefully she will be blissfully (enough) enrolled at her chosen school and will not be considering Curtis until Grad school.
All of our babies will end off in the perfect place for them.
Best of luck to your girl with Rice! We are awaiting 6 ET, too. :blush:

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Best of luck to yours as well!!

We are a bit confused because she never received an email saying she would get the result tonight. So we don’t know if it doesn’t apply to grad applicants or if she just missed it or what. We will see I guess!

Did yours ever hear from Eastman?

It isn’t totally out of left field but with the full tuition offers at Baldwin Wallace and Syracuse, I really thought he would dive in and get amazing music opportunities. He LOVED LoyNo and New Orleans for the music vibes.

Now he is at Jacksonville U with his dad (who has an MBA himself) and kid is thinking if he chooses JU as it is a weaker music school that he could double major in business or finance.

Grrrrr. Kids!!! He’s 18 and the choice will be his to make but ugh.

It’s a no for Rice. :frowning:

Same here… kiddo has had a tough day…
5 yes, 3 no and 4 to go!

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Hope your girl got better news than mine did from Rice.
No news yet from Eastman, I did call on Friday and they said “by the beginning of the week”. Fingers crossed!

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It’s a mixed result from Rice - waitlisted. While she’s glad to still be in the running, it is very frustrating because it just means more waiting. She auditioned 4 places - 2 waitlists, 1 no, 1 yes. and we keep waiting.

Sorry your girl didn’t get better news today. But happy for the yesses she did get!

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Good luck! All this decision-making is also hard on kids and I can see how going to see a school and considering a path similar to his dad who’s along can make a kid definitely consider all his options! It’s good he is doing that now. He’ll feel more satisfied with his final decision if he has had the opportunity to think about everything. :slight_smile:

I just dont want his dad talking him out of the other music schools. This is the parent who told our son last fall that if he doesnt “change his attitude” that he will no longer have a relationship with him.

So I fear my son will try to make his dad happy.

Now if my kid comes back and says he would prefer a school that is less music intense and where he can explore other options and find his own path, that I would support. I just want to hear my sons voice in his decision, not his dads.


Interesting, U Miami came absolutely nowhere near meeting our need, while several of my kid’s other schools have come really close.

ETA: I appreciate everyone’s support so much. I want you to know, my kid is not upset about this anymore. It was initially his dream school, so there was a bittersweet feeling, but I think by the time we found out about the lack of aid, he had already visited several more cool places. He loves a couple of other options a lot.


:heart: Yes! I do hope his dad won’t try to talk him out of his passion for music, and I’m still waiting to hear what he thinks of Stetson.

I actually so understand this and had a difficult conversation with my son after he visited his dad’s alma mater with his dad. This was some time ago now but we both still remember this conversation (okay it was more vehement than that!) vividly.

He had just told me he wanted to attend the school, despite it fitting few of his earlier stated criteria. And I kind of lost it, after months of attempting to get my son to formulate criteria that mattered to him.

We ended up looking at his final choices again, in light of those, and he selected the school where he happily spent the next four years. I am not proud of my outburst that day but I am proud of him attending a to him unfamiliar school that had so many of the things he wanted and making the most of his experience there.

When it came to my ex-husband, I tried to not interfere with the relationship mostly, but in this case, I felt my S was going against his own interests to please his dad.

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D23 is in at Rice, she is very surprised, flute studio is mostly geared toward accepting grad students. Received a very nice merit scholarship, around 70% of tuition. Rice is one of my daughter’s top choices for a conservatory and an amazing fit for her, she adores the present and incoming flute professors and environment in the studio, two of her mentors (and only two undergrads in that studio) are studying there right now. So happy for her getting in! We were not sure about how this one would go, since there is no waitlist for undergraduate flutes.


Congratulations, @RussianMom! :tada: What great news and what a wonderful accomplishment.