Class of 28 Undergrad/Class of 26 Grad: a thread to capture the journey of applications, pre screens, tours and auditions

Yes that is what DD has done - I think very long lists are meaningless without context of standard etc

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How is DC doing with audition rep? To cover all the requirements I think DD has around 8 pieces, poss more, plus etudes and excerpts. It’s a lot

I will message you

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I had S look at the application and it looks like you only choose school (Blair) and then instrument and a second school if wanted. I don’t know if it will ask later if you want BM or B musical arts

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Yup, it is a long list, though we did not include absolutely everything. I think the earliest piece we included was Bach A Minor Concerto (this is for a violinist). From the Suzuki books, all he listed was the Bach and the Handel Sonatas. Everything else was non-Suzuki. The list has 90 pieces on it currently.

However, we never submitted the full list. I’m trying to remember, but I think only two of his schools asked for rep lists, and it was only the past few years. He applied to Curtis, Colburn, Juilliard, NEC, and CIM and I think it was just Curtis and NEC that asked for rep lists.

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I misread this as you figuring out time travel, which would be so helpful for this process. If you figure out, let us know. :smiley:

Wonder if there is any benefit to attending one of the music school college fairs. One in our area in early October.


Virtual or in-person? My kid attended a couple of virtual ones, panels were ok, but virtual rooms run by individual schools were hard to join and not all admissions representatives were equally knowledgeable and could answer questions. It always ended in “email us”.

In person.


My D25 did a music student for a day program at a public college a couple hours away back in April. It was very informative. It started with the typical info session about the school then sent the students to their respective instrument classes. Parents had a private info session with the music director. After I just wandered campus and got lunch at one of the restaurants. My D had lunch with the students then in the afternoon they had a group rehearsal then the college students joined them and played the piece altogether. It was a great way to see if it was a program fit. Some hs students just weren’t able to keep up, left the stage early and sat with the parents. Ultimately my D didn’t like the school at all but is confident she can play with college students. I would recommend doing at least one somewhere to get an insider’s view to being a music major. (I really liked the school but I’m not going to college)


We are probably going to the October fair in our area. Even though my D already knows where she’s applying it might be a good opportunity to double check we’re doing everything right.


How is everyone doing? DD24 has her final list, some lessons are booked, plus one interview this month,; one and poss two pre screens waived so far; will be doing non binding early action for one, and rest rolling/regular. Rep all finalized and recording booked for Oct. One non-USA entry now complete with audition set for Dec; one other non USA scholarship audition in two weeks. Feels like progress :slight_smile:


However teachers from one specific school still not replying 

We’re chugging along. S (Comp) has a short list, and we are going to visit some in October. The schools we are going to do not have on-campus auditions/interviews for Composition majors so I felt like it was important for him to go see the campuses. In the beginning (last year) he was somewhat reluctant to go on visits, mostly because we were traveling so much with speech & debate. But, he did ultimately see the value in them, especially when I strongly suggested we visit CIM when we went to visit Michigan. (It was an easy drive.) CIM wasn’t exactly on his preferred list that the time, but he had high hopes for Michigan. It ended up that he didn’t care for Michigan and loved CIM.

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Sounds good - DD will do in person auditions (when selected) so that she can see schools she hasn’t visited

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If I recall correctly, you are international. But is there any chance your musician’s current private teacher has the ability to contact the teacher(s) who are not replying? I know in the very small oboe world, my son’s private teacher personally knew most if not all of the conservatory teachers.
My son made all of his own contacts with professors which is what is definitely recommended, but if one was not replying we might have tried that as a back up plan.

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Alas no her current teacher wouldn’t be able to do that; DD has reached out to the admissions team for advice without naming any teachers!

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I was going to say, contacting admissions can work if teachers aren’t responding, in our experience!


We are chugging along here too. Multiple sample lessons booked. Reached out to a few more schools. Recording session booked and repertoire for at least prescreens and supplements finalized. It is going to be a very long winter! I was just wondering how he was going to handle precollege if he winds up going to all of the auditions and scholarship auditions that are possible. It is going to be a lot of missed Saturdays.


So far dd will be able to do over two weeks - one of which is school break here; so
I am hoping will miss only two pre college Saturdays and one week of school

however one school At least has not set final dates and it could all fall apart v quickly!

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