Class Suggestions

<p>Looking over this site, (College</a> of Arts and Sciences) some of the classes kinda scare me. I'm a math/science-oriented person and the thought of having to take any of the classes (especially dance!) in the A, B, C, and D sections makes me uncomfortable. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which classes are fun/easy? I like a challenge, but I also like a grade that reflects all the work I put into my studies. So far, I would like to try to get out of my English 105 & 106 classes with college credit I already have and my ACT scores. I'm also not so sure about the language classes because I have taken 6 years of Spanish, four of which were with the same horrible teacher who never had an actual lesson plan. I don't really want to take a high-level Spanish class and I don't really see how the other languages would help me in my future. Do you think it's possible to take a level-1 Spanish class just for an easy grade and to meet the requirement? Any advice or suggestions would really help me out! I'm between pre-law, pre-dental, pre-med, and business so I'm pretty open to anything.

<p>Yeah I know, UM has a ton of gen ed requirements. If you’re thinking pre-med/pre-dental then obviously you won’t even have to worry about the math or science requirements since your major (probably like bio) will more than cover it. You have to do 12 credits (approx 3 courses) in humanities and 12 credits in social sciences. The social sciences requirement isn’t that bad since there are some cool anthropology and psychology courses you can take that are actually somewhat related to medicine and science. The humanities requirement is what I like the least about UM. I’m not a current student, but I’m thinking about going there next year, and I don’t know how I’m going to complete these reqs. So 12 creds in humanities with at least 3 (so 1 class) in arts, 3 in literature, and 3 in religion/philosophy. Again there are a lot of cool philosophy classes that relate to medicine and law for that matter, and I’m sure there is some fun/easy art class that will be like nothing for a semester but I’m most worried about the lit requirement, since I’ve looked at the classes and there isn’t any quasi-lit class you can use to get out of it like some sort of science writing/reading course or like environmental literature or anything. That’s going to be the class I’m going to have to just get through. Also language requirement is 3 credits at 200 level or above, so that means you need to either come in with a language and take 201, or start a new language and do 101, 102, and 201 to complete the requirement.</p>

<p>Most colleges have general ed requirements that are usually about the same across the board. So almost all colleges will have a humanities requirement, almost all colleges will have a social sciences requirement, and almost all colleges have a language requirement. It’s just something you have to deal with. If you can test out of any by taking AP tests, definitely do that.</p>

<p>Hmmm I guess I’m not very good at math. Most semester long classes are 3 credits, so for the 12 cred requirements, you need to take 4 courses. Sorry!</p>