<p>I read the thread about course work and what I need for med school and I've been creating my own schedule for the next four years, but I need some help.
Does this schedule seem over or under loaded? I'm not too sure since I'm still a senior in High School. It was tough getting in the med school requirements, the GE requirements, and my own major requirements (Neuroscience).</p>
<p>I also have credit for AP Macroeconomics and AP Psychology and AP US History but I'm not sure what GE that will get rid of. I also have credit for AP Calculus AB but I know that med schools don't give credit for that.</p>
<p>This is for UCLA by the way which is why it's in quarters and not semesters.</p>
<p>Freshmen Fall:
Physics 6A
Chem 14A
Math 31B</p>
<p>Freshmen Winter:
Physics 6B
Chem 14B
Math 32A
Intro to Political Philosophy 6</p>
<p>Freshmen Spring:
Physics 6C
Chem 14BL
Stats 10 or 13
Origins of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam 50B</p>
<p>Sophomore Fall:
Chem 14C
LS 1
Art, Science, and Technology 9</p>
<p>Sophomore Winter:
Chem 14CL
LS 2
Stem Cell Bio, Politics, and Ethics 50</p>
<p>Sophomore Spring:
Chem 14D
LS 3
<p>Junior Fall:
LS 4
Neuroscience m101A
Neuroscience 102</p>
<p>Junior Winter:
Neuroscience m101B
Physiological Science C172
Intro to Philosophy of Science 8</p>
<p>Junior Spring:
Neuroscience m101C
Intro to Comparative Politics 50
Intro to Zen Buddhism 61
Life in the Universe 5</p>
<p>Senior Fall:
Biochem 153A
Neuroscience 119S
Molecular and Cell Biology C139</p>
<p>Senior Winter:
Biochem 153L
Neuroscience M130
Neuroscience 101L</p>
<p>Senior Spring:
Neuroscience 181
Black Holes and Cosmic Catastrophes 4
Astrobiology 3</p>