Clements High School and 8%/10% rule

Looking for a house and flexible on location - Sugar Land or Katy. I and debating whether we should really go with Clements given the great reviews, scores, etc. or consider a less competitive school but still great like Cinco Ranch, where my current A+ middle school taking pre-AP classes might rank in the top 8-10% to take advantage of the 10% rule and go to UT or other great school in TX.
My kids are young but want to be ready for this challenging process of college application :slight_smile:


You might be better off asking in a regional FB group or something more local.

And ugh to the pretentious trend of calling middle school classes pre-AP.

I am from Texas and the Houston area. @sunflowerquilt You may be better off just letting your sons go to Clements; try not to underestimate your kids. Also, UT only accepts top 7 percent. I recommend Clements because it is a better school and your kids will have good experiences there. Good luck.

@VickiSoCal, the pre-AP designation is statewide in Texas and has been around for at least five or six years that I’m aware of. It’s not an individual school or district or parent being “pretentious”, it’s a designation at the state level and it’s not a recent “trend”.

We are in Texas also and in our district there are no Honors classes they are called PreAP.
D21 has been taking PreAP since 6th grade. In our high school the weight of preAP and AP and Dual credit is the same.

I am a parent from the Houston area. Look at the number of National Merit Scholars that come out of Clements (42 this year) compared to Cinco Ranch (15 this year). Clements has more than any other school except $$$ private St John’s (44). If your child is high in the class at Clements he or she will have lots of doors open to him/her at many prestigious colleges.

Thanks for your comments. I appreciate the insight.
So i heard that with the 8-10% rule you could get into the university you want but not necessarily the school you want? How true is that?

@sunflowerquilt, that is true for competitive schools and majors. A student might be in top 7/10% and get auto admit to UT or TAMU but waitlisted or rejected from the college of engineering, or from computer science or some of the business degrees, etc. Auto admit isn’t a guarantee that the student will get accepted to the preferred major.