Clemson Admissions-Class of 2026

Congrats Sue!

My son last year got 12,500 which was the max for OOS merit last year. My 2019 grad got 20k, also the max that year. My guess would be max around the same as last year, but there are several different levels and not everyone gets the max.

If yesterday was the OOS acceptance day for December, then when will the In-State acceptance day be for December?

I thought it would be next week, but the the OOS acceptances happened yesterday and that made me think the In-State acceptances could happen as early as today.

Did they notify her by email or did she check her portal?

TY! D 2013 got offered 10K/year, so was wondering if it was going to be about the same or not this many years later.

Out of State, New Jersey resident. Applied in early October with a 4.95 GPA (4.0 unweighted), and as TO (test-optional). Curriculars include: 4-year varsity sport with captainship, Class President, School Newspaper Editor-In-Chief, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Peer Leader, etc. Application also included a very solid personal essay and a resume. Still have not heard back or received an acceptance, FAFSA is complete also. What do you think my chance of admission is at this point in time? Please let me know!

I’ve been following this thread and it does not look like many (if any) of those accepted have been Test Optional. Maybe they are saving reviewing those applications for the end.



Curious, your son being an future engineering student with great HS stats from Indiana, I assume he applied to Purdue, maybe Rose-Hulman? I ask, because my daughter was just accepted to Clemson in this round has applied to both of those Indiana schools. Any thoughts you have on Purdue and Rose?

A lot depends on what major. From what I understand, if you are applying to a capped major it becomes highly unlikely you’ll hear early (I was told with sports coms they only take 20 kids so almost no one hears early). Your stats are indicative of someone who would hear on the early side though.

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agree, it seems OOS test optional are not hearing back. I also haven’t seen too many business majors yet either. from other posters, it seems like they notify in state high scores first, OOS high scores next and then the rest? also different schools seem to hear at diff times. would be nice if there was a bit more communication around timing to reduce stress.


Thanks for pointing that out. My D applied for business and is TO.

He has applied to both. Awaiting decisions. Purdue is internationally the better recognized and cheaper. However the student body is big. Rose is much smaller but very expensive with little merit. If your child is still looking check out Alabama. The university has made great progress and the football team is pretty good.

Thank you for the insight I appreciate it. Coincidentally, I actually did apply as a Sports Comm major, so that makes sense. I guess that’s why I haven’t seen any Sports Comm acceptances yet either.

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email to check her portal

My son applied and we are from NJ as well. I think applying test optional test may hurt you because there was no reason not to submit scores. Test were given through out the state. All the kids from our HS that applied to Clemson submitted scores. It’s to competitive OOS not to.

I hope you’re right. My daughter is really regretting sending her scores so far. She’s seeing people who couldn’t break an 1100 SAT and a 3.6gpa getting in to some colleges, while she’s still waiting or offered alternate admission options with her 4.2w/1300. I truly believe sending that 1300 is hurting her because all of the people with lower scores didn’t send, so a 1300–which used to be good—is now the at the bottom.

I think she’s stuck having her score considered now, though.


I hear what you are saying. I scored a 1310 on my SATs and 3.8 UW 5.4 W and I am still waiting on 5 schools. Also, I did not receive merit from a good state college and I saw on threads that others who went TO did receive merit.


My brother was on the fence as well (1380). He applied ED to U Miami. He was the only one in his school who sent scores. He was admitted ED a few days ago - the TO kids were all denied.

I think schools will also realize - why some kids with high gpa are not sending scores - maybe their HS inflate gpa?

Hang in - 1300 is a really good score - she should be fine.


Anyone test optional received an acceptance?

Often the merit comes later, so you still might get some.