Clemson Admissions-Class of 2026

That’s reassuring to hear, thank you!

I’m just curious why students with such crazy high GPA’s are not submitting test scores? I would think high test scores would come along with 4.9 GPA’s. Just curious? If the test score falls in the middle 50% they tell you to send them.

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I agree with you. It’s concerning that such high GPA’s but not sending test scores. Very indicative of inflated GPA’s and these colleges will eventually go back to requiring tests to selective colleges. IT’s getting out of control.

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maybe GPA’s are inflated…which is the most likely reason.

The highest GPA at our HS is a 4.4 weighted, with 9 AP’s and 1 B my daughter topped out at 4.2 weighted (3.9 uw).

My daughter was advised only to send scores if they fell in the top half of the middle 50%. I still encouraged her to send them if they fell within the middle 50 because, like you, I thought colleges would think she had something to hide if she didn’t send them.


You would think the colleges would go back…but aren’t they making so much more money with all the additional applications? At the same time "decreasing "acceptance rate.

They will have to worry about yield - ED can only help so much.

Maybe the change happens when less TO students are getting admitted.

I have no experience with Clemson, but based on what I’m seeing from a few other colleges, I think you have a great chance. I’m curious what your scores were that you didn’t submit. I ask because I encouraged my daughter to send her 1300 SAT, and now I regret it. I wonder if people with even higher scores than hers decided not to submit.

You can be an A student but not be a good standardized test taker. Or course everyone’s school district was different during the pandemic but ours was fully remote for a year and a half with half the amount of instructional time. The district had a lawsuit against the teachers and the parents had a lawsuit against the district. Other districts had much better teaching and learning situations. Even now one of my D’s teachers has been out for 2 months with a sub. I appreciate that colleges are giving some grace about test scores. From what I have read, success in high school is the best indicator of success in college.


You can also be an applicant from a state such as CA that was completely shut down for a long time and had test after test canceled, such as in my daughter’s case.


That’s true - but here in NY - we have a lot of local (catholic) schools with known grade inflation - and all of a sudden the whole graduating class has perfect GPA’s and no test scores. PS all our local CS offered in school SATs twice - curious to see the outcome.

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The applicants for Clemson went from 20,000 to over 40,000 last year bc they went to Common application and test optional so many more applied I figure it’s the same this year. My daughter has above a 4.0 but didn’t get a 27 on ACT (their lowest accepted usually) her school college adviser told her not to submit scores bc her GPA, school rigor, resume of activities would be good and the below 27 on ACT could hurt her. She has great letters of recommendations so we have our fingers crossed and prayers for a Jan or Feb admittance - we are out of state

My daughter didn’t submit her sat scores originally, simply because she is not a good standardized test taker at all. Never has been. She did not feel That her gpa and class rank ‘matched up’ with her sat score. However , when classmates that are ranked much lower than her, etc started being accepted she decided to send her scores. Unfortunately that changes her application and likely her decision timeframe , but she didn’t want to take a chance.

or you could have our situation which was a test center canceled one week before, DD scrambled to find a test center - got one 2 hours away and all just built up to way more stress on test day. then next test date canceled. next test date did not work for health reasons. we were advised to focus on gpa, essays and LORs rather than continue with the testing stress. so, I think every case is different, hard to make sweeping statements why some very high gpa students would not have a test score. I DO think there will be a re-thinking of testing in general after these two TO “pilot years” for many of the schools. just seems too bad that our kids are the guinea pigs. . .


Curious, how do you know how Clemson calculated her GPA?

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I saw that and wondered too.

That exact scenario happened with my brother as well (early on) I just meant there are schools notorious for grade inflation - and these TO applications are what is causing a rise in apps. wondering what will happen going forward and which students will really benefit from this?

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These sweeping statements on “grade inflation” and GPA “not matching” test scores is ridiculous.

So many different scenarios to be considered.

If the rules say TO is okay- and their app in totality is impressive and get accepted - great. Don’t knock those that chose that path because you can’t see the whole application.


Does anyone know if acceptances are being communicated this week? I’ve seen that some applicants have already received acceptances. Is there any schedule as to when they’re announced? My son applied on October 5. TIA!!


We are in the same boat. Differed at both Auburn and South Carolina.

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