Clemson Admissions-Class of 2026

What is the LOWEST stats folks have heard so far for rolling EA acceptance prior to the big drop in mid-Feb.?

The lowest I’ve seen on this thread for acceptances are 1320 and a couple of 1400s. That’s encouraging!

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I was accepted over Thanksgiving break with scholarship, and I also applied to the honors college. Still waiting to hear back from that though. :crossed_fingers:


Daughter is OOS
applied mid-Oct
SAT 1390 GPA(w) 4.5,high rigor course load
high rigor H.S
varsity athlete, NHS, good leadership & service etc. Hasn’t heard yet.


There is a student at my child’s HS (in-state) who was accepted with a 1250 SAT, but that student is ranked like #4 or 5 out of 300+. My child who has a 1410 SAT (superscored) but is ranked like #26 is still waiting.

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Congratulations and Thank you!

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Those are exactly my son’s credentials (I’m not kidding. OOS, 1390 SAT, 4.5 GPA, high rigor course load, 4 year varsity athlete, NHS
). We haven’t heard either. Good luck!

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And he applied mid-October as well!

Our school got rid of class rank. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not


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Yes, there is a lot of grade inflation. Some students are not great test-takers, but there should be a reasonable correlation between GPA and scores. A very high GPA with a very low score is a red flag of inflation or an indication that the school is not preparing students well. Admissions also have tools to assess your scores based on your economic opportunity. IMO, scores are not the most important thing, but a good check on GPA. I think admissions realize this. I hope they wouldn’t penalize students who send good, but not outstanding scores along with a strong application.


I’m sure Admission Depts. are well versed in sniffing out all irregularities. The regional officers are intimately familiar with just about every H.S
they know the rigor and national ranking of each and which might be apt. to inflate grades. Also, AP test scores should correlate with class grades as well. So, plenty of ways to keep everyone honest


What does your son think about the HC?

Yes, my OOS daughter was early admit and applied to HC.

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My daughter got into Nursing. She applied early October and found out early November. She is OOS. Her GPA on the Clemson scale is 4.5. Her SAT was 1470. She will graduate with 9 AP courses and others gifted. Her EC are okay, but nothing amazing. She is not a leader but enjoys working at her part-time job. She is a gifted writer and has applied to HC. Waiting to hear.

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My son is a OOS junior and would like to apply to Clemson next year. His stats are not nearly as good as his older sister’s, who was accepted to Clemson nursing this fall. Does anyone know what average stats (GPA, ACT/SAT) are for OOS vs. IS acceptance at Clemson in general? Some schools post this information but I haven’t found it anywhere. Thanks!

My daughter is a freshman in the HC and loves it. She lives in Dechamps and really loves her hall. They’ve formed a great friend group of both girls/boys and she had a wonderful first semester. Honestly the #1 thing about HC is early registration for classes. She and her HC peers have had no trouble getting into classes while a lot of other friends really struggled to fill their schedules with classes they needed/wanted. It’s 100% worth paying the HC fee just for that.


This is concerning if freshman are struggling to get classes they need. Is this across the board w/the gen eds or in a particular major? TIA

Pretty sure this is typical of most bigger state schools


I just know it’s been a big topic in parent college facebook groups. The advice is to download the app Coursicle so that students can stalk classes and find out when there are openings.