Clemson Admissions-Class of 2026

Wow!! Beginning of October for us!

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Not sure how to post so will just reply hereā€¦Clemson just said on a zoom we were on that the decisions are scheduled to come out one week earlier than planned. It is now Thursday and/or Friday of next week. 2/10 - 2/11.


Out of curiosity, what kind of zoom was it? Admissions?


It was a Business major zoom. Had a few current students at the business college answering chat questions, and 2 people in charge.


Does anyone know anything about the summer session at Clemson? My daughter checked that as an option that she would consider, hoping to increase her chances for admission. Also, does anyone know what time Clemson typically releases their decisions?

My daughter did the same. I was told that if she was willing to accept Summer Start, it could help chances of admission. She actually really likes the idea of starting in the summer so it worked well for her.

Last year decisions were released at 6 pm ET. But last year was the first year they ever released decisions via the portal so there really isnā€™t any long term standard - it could certainly be different this year.

My son did the summer session this past summer and absolutely loved it. Initially he was not happy about it at all because he was missing most of his summer. But he ended up loving it and says he would definitely recommend it.

He made a great group of friends who heā€™s still very tight with. It really helped the students get a feel for the campus and college classes before everyone arrived in the fall. Gave them all a group to hang with because the summer group is smaller and itā€™s easier to meet people.

Another cool thing about summer start is that itā€™s pretty much just summer kids and the football team on campus. My son met a bunch of the football players, which he loved! (I know that might not matter to everyone, but for my son it was great!)


That sounds awesome! But Iā€™m assuming itā€™s an additional cost? And not cheap since itā€™s tuition and R & B? But maybe Iā€™m misunderstanding how this all works. I donā€™t honestly know if my son checked that as an option or not.

does anyone know if being OOS affects your chances of admission?

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Clemson accepts a lot of OOS applicants. Per US News Best Colleges:
Acceptance rate In State: 61%
Acceptance rate OOS: 62%
A lot more OOS applicants
Total applicants: 28,600 (this data is from last year)
In State: 6,984
OOS: 21,352
In State accepted: 4,241
OOS accepted: 13,318

They are constantly building on the campus and the campus is very large. Over the last decade I think they have increased the student population by quite a bit.


Yes itā€™s an additional cost, tuition and room / board. Weā€™re OOS so I think the total was around 10k. Not cheap!! But for the kids who get the summer program, itā€™s not optional. To go to Clemson they have to do it. At least thatā€™s how it worked last summer.

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Thanks for all of the information about the summer session!


thank you!!

has anyone heard in regards to decisions ? if so, please share your stats & congrats if you have been admitted :heart:!

Just from this thread, it seems like there were a small number of admissions last year to those who would get bigger scholarship offers, but since then just the sound of silence, including my DDā€™s application! Hopefully sometime this week!

Accurate. Everyone (myself included) was pretty confident that it would be Feb 15 (next Tuesday) for the big release (all priority apps), but a post a few days ago claimed a Clemson zoom said Thursday or Friday of this week.

TL/DR: We donā€™t really know when, but sometime towards the end of this week or early next is most likely

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my guess would be friday (2/11) at 6pm est


Wish we could get confirmation from admissions, but I donā€™t want to be the one to call

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I called last Monday and Friday and got the same answer both times
ā€˜ā€œNo date just mid February we are working on them nowā€ seems like they have a generic answer to say to ol that call lol

Wondering if Clemson is the last college in the state to release EA Decisions?