Clemson Class of 2024

From NJ Business major

Undeclared NJ

Hack did not change last night
This morning it did - both worked for Pre-Business. OOS Massachusetts!!!
Since its says “Congratulations and welcome to the Clemson Family” it looks like the real deal, eh?

Neither working here. OOS Florida

@Momtofourkids would you mind sharing stats? I am business and from MA, but nothing has changed as of now.

Someone posted earlier that maybe the hack works for certain majors. Seems to be alot of business and engineering majors getting positive results. Is the hack working for any other majors? Maybe it is uploaded by major…

what are the thoughts on them sending out the letters today??

My son’s changed this morning in SC. Now I am wondering if that means an acceptance directly into Clemson or does it include the Bridge program as well. Anyone know?

Anyone else undeclared? Is the hack working/ not working?

Daughter is OOS AL with a 1st choice nursing and 2nd choice Health Science, neither hacks worked this morning and she just got denied from UNC and deferred from N.C. State, she’s losing hope

Both worked - Political Science, North Carolina

They clearly aren’t going by state as someone suggested. There was someone in NC that saw the message change early yesterday. My son’s just changed this morning (also in NC)

@Haveagreatday13, also in SC. Do you mind sharing your sons major and stats?

@odina1121 my brother is an athlete at UNC. They said at his orientation that OOS acceptance rate is 10%, including athletes which take up most of that. I would not lose hope over UNC :slight_smile:

I think they post on social media when letters are mailed out?

I bet they send them tomorrow, but just a guess

Does anyone know know if they offer other scholarships besides the small merit I have seen online? OOS is pretty high

The Tiger Days hack changed for us here in IL today. OOS, computer engineering.

Hack for Future Tiger Day reads “You are not showing as eligible for Future Tiger Days at Clemson” and other CUID hack shows token not found.

It is interesting that the Future Tiger Day login works to show you the admission and major! Since they don’t seem to be using it since this page with the accurate dates mentions the letter will tell you how to register but I guess somehow in the system since it’s by CUID it still works in a way. Again we are in VA… my daughter’s major Graphic Comm is in the business school. I am just hoping that this is a regular admission and not a summer start. I am beginning to think it is not Bridge because I think it would be difficult to Bridge in graphic comm. So since she got her first choice major listed that’s a good sign. For those still waiting … good luck to you. I hope we get some definitive news soon. And we have been waiting since AUGUST since my daughter applied so early.