Clemson Class of 2024

@sunsweet That’s not to say they don’t use GPA in calculating merit aid as well. I only referenced SAT scores specifically bc it says in my acceptance letter “Test scores submitted by December 31 were used in scholarship consideration.”

I hope it’s fake, I would rather actually get into Clemson, haha. My friends last year did it and got the same message “welcome to bridge” but then they actually got accepted so I’m praying for that.

Also tried the bridge…got the message that says application does not have eligible status…

Thank you! I actually have a story behind the hack. I tried the hack about a week before I got my letter. Every time I put in my CUID and proceeded to type in a random 6 digit code, the message “Activation Token Not Found” popped up every time. I eventually just gave up. I thought I wouldn’t get accepted. I was bummed, but many people in the thread said: “Just wait for the letter.” Alas, I waited, and my mother calls me down and tells me I got a letter from Clemson, and Lo and Behold, it was an acceptance letter. So I guess initially, no, it didn’t work.

I try the “hack” now and it works. I guess everyone’s in the system now though…

@Lydybird Regular acceptance would be great but we are on low end of stats so we will take it. And I see it as a more affordable way of getting 30 credits and still graduate a Tiger eventually. Good luck!!

True, although it is the same price as Clemson except you’re going to a tech school.

@Lydybird From the Clemson Bridge info page at
“Bridge participants pay the Bridge program fees, Clemson home residential living and meal plan fees, and Tri-County tuition and fees.” The Program fee is $2,370 and housing is $8,850. 30 credit hours at TCTC is $12,600. So a year at TCTC is $23,820. So as an OOS non-scholarship student, I’d be saving about $15,000 Freshman year. So there is an upside to Bridge.

I did that just now and it says, “ You are invited to participate in the Bridge to Clemson Program with Tri-County”. Haven’t received any letters yet.

My D’s hacked changed on 1/28. Didn’t receive packet today in SC. Bridge hack says does not have eligible status.

The Student boarding hack changed on Tues, as did the future tiger day with his major etc. Bridge one says he is not eligible.

That’s awesome! I’m in state and with my South Carolina scholarships Clemson is $20,000 so the bridge program is the same price. It’s really good to be accepted into the bridge program but I think it was just a surprise that I need to get used to for me. 7 of my siblings have gone to Clemson so it’ll be hard to tell them I didn’t get accepted.

@Lydybird hopefully you can still apply your scholarships to TCTC and save some money. But who knows all these hacks are unreliable so just keep watching the mailbox.

From VA, anyone get the news yet? Do they send an email or just a letter in the mail?

@cctalks Also VA here. Have not heard anything; I’m expecting Monday or Tuesday. They will send the letter, then an email typically around a week later. Good luck!

Hack changed for us on 1/29, son got Tigertown Bound letter on Sat with merit based on test scores and GPA. OOS, engineering, school doesn’t rank, GPA 3.8 UW, ACT 33. Charlotte area.

@Lydybird remember it is more than just stats. Where you live and your major also goes into play. Are you OOS?

Also, what is Bridge?

For those who received your packet…was the large orange envelope sent first class or bulk mail. Just trying to figure how long until packets arrive in PA.

For those that have received their big envelope can you tell me what the date is on your letter. We live in Ohio so I assume we won’t see anything until Wednesday or later

Date on our letter was 1/27. Mailed 1st class.

Date on my son’s letter was 1/29; first class presorted