Clemson Class of 2024

My daughter tried the hack and was immediately taken to a site talking about whistleblowing and dishonor code. It scared her (rightfully so) so she immediately exited out. Anyone else experience this?? ?

@tigersden - yes, the hack worked for us and then receives packet. The hack also worked for a couple friends.

@collegemama227 which hack? onboarding or bridge?

Wow @collegemama227. It is actually a miracle that someone had not disclosed the hack to Clemson before now. This hack has been out there for at least 4 years, between reddit and here one can easily see that. I am surprised that they would post a note like that if someone tried it now, but it is also an effective way to get that info out to forums to prevent kids/parents from trying it. After all, look how many folks posted on here a few days ago asking if they might have their offer withdrawn if they were caught that theyā€™d triedā€¦

There are so many comments about the fact Clemson doesnā€™t have a portal on here. We have become so reliant, as have our kids, on immediate gratification. Clemson is an institution in every sense of the word. They build excitement with their mail only method. True, they could improve the release of acceptances by sticking to certain dates and so forth, but there is such a memory in receiving an envelope and it is sad that we cannot relish in the joy of that because we usually get what we want with the swipe of our finger.

Good luck to those of you waiting for the envelope!

@pegagain onboarding

@CALMom65 Well said!! I could not agree more! In December when my DD received her TigerBound package it was like she won the lottery!! At the end of the day it is out of our hands. Learning who got in already and what their stats are doesnā€™t guarantee your kid will get into a school.

I truly believe in the following:
The old Southern adage ā€œthereā€™s a lid for every pot,ā€ can be seen as a spiritual affirmation. It means that whoever you are, whatever you are like and whatever your perceived imperfections may be, thereā€™s someone for you.

This is true for colleges. If your child doesnā€™t get into their number one there is another school out there that is the right fit for them

There were no hacks when my other two kids got into Clemson and it was a lot less stressful! Waiting by the mailbox!

No mention of merit ?
SAT 1430
GPA weighted 3.8
Unweighted 4.8
Rank 55/230 (tough school for rank)

@CALMom65 and @CollegeorBustNE Not sure I agree with you regarding the portal and immediate gratification. I understand your premise, but my son got accepted to Penn State very unexpectedly by checking on their portal and was JUST as excited as when he received his Clemson acceptance (also unexpected back in November). On the flip side, this hack stuff on this message board is out of control, in my mind. I am so glad that Clemson has finally locked that down. Meanwhile, we wait patiently for all of his other schoolsā€¦which is far from instant gratification. He wonā€™t hear from 4 of his schools until end of March. ugh!

Has anybody in this final wave of acceptances received a notice of Merit scholarship that actually had the $$ amount on it? Just curious.

@HokieCrazy My daughter was also accepted into Penn Stateā€¦December 20th just by chance checking out the portal. She came flying out of her room screaming she got in and Penn isnā€™t at the top of her list at all but she was still over the moon excited. She was deferred by her #1 and a few others. If itā€™s meant to be itā€™s meant to be. Hoping for Clemson too since she wants to get out of New England but weā€™ll see what happens.

Yeah, Penn State is not high on my sonā€™s list, either, unless he gets in Shreyer, but their Engineering/CS is very competitive, so he was proud to have been accepted directly into that on main campus. Clemson was a throw-in application for him, but I think if he gets into Calhoun and the merit is good, then itā€™ll quickly rise on his list. He has no real #1 at this point, which I think is goodā€¦eases the disappointment. Weā€™re lucky that I think heā€™ll be happy in any of the schoolsā€¦so wherever he lands, weā€™ll be happy.

Confused on the hacks being shut down. Live in SCā€¦most of my childā€™s friends got acceptance letters yesterday but nothing came to us. Many of those accepted had much lower test scores and gpa. Log in with Cid# promts to enter activation code and when a false one is put in it says does not match one on record. Bridge log in says not eligible. Donā€™t know why so many would get lettersā€¦even in our neighborhood if accepted

@TechDudeMom What major? Engineering?

See what the onboard does for you. You have to go back 5-6 pages here or look at thread just down that says hack. We donā€™t know how accurate it is now but be interesting if you get a ā€œno token on fileā€ or ā€œdoesnā€™t match token on file message.

@swirmo Same situation

@HokieCrazy Of course! Mine have received answers by portal too, and were thrilled. I agree that learning your SAT/ACT scores online is a great improvement from my childhood. However, I was commenting about Clemsonā€™s decision to do it their way.

Accepting the way something works is part of growing up, maturing. I believe for Clemson, their institution values the envelope as part of the Clemson experience and they are entirely in control of whether they want to change that. I wholeheartedly agree with you that kids are thrilled to find out online, heck, they meet/date and breakup by text! However, not everything that awaits them (or us) in life will be like that. Penn State info is online but they still send out a wicked cool box, I believe, as UTK does. My guess is they remember that singing box experience with more detail than keying it up.

No one has to commit to anywhere until long after that mail arrives. We are all becoming conditioned to instant gratification, I feel strongly about that. Nevertheless, if it occurred as described, I donā€™t agree that scaring an applicant to death by a threat where a link takes them is a good way for a grand institution to handle it, especially as they are fully aware of where technology has taken us.

It is all good. Always rooting for Hokies over Cavaliers in this house, you have fans here.

I am in state and have a lot of legacy. My major is history (to go to law school) which is pretty non competitive. I have very good EC but Clemson focuses on the stats on which mine are average.
Sat: 1250
Gpa: unweighted 3.75
Weighted: 4.5
The bridge program is where you live on campus and get all the benefits (except for rushing) but you take classes at the tech school near Clemson. As long as you get above a 2.5 gpa and have 30 credits, you are accelerated into Clemson for sophomore year. Itā€™s just frustrating because everyone in South Carolina gets bridged if they donā€™t get accepted, even if their stats are terrible. Clemson knows that weā€™ll go there anyways especially if youā€™re legacy so they bridge us.

Is the Bridge only an option for in state students?

I donā€™t think so. Pretty sure a friend of my sonā€™s was a Bridge student last year.