Clemson Class of 2024

It would be helpful for signing up for Accepted Students Days if this were done on a portal. Portal also ensures decisions are all out at same time. I don’t think it’s about “immediate gratification” when these kids have waited months.

It seems those that have to travel the furthest hear of acceptance last; meanwhile the Accepted Students Day can fill up and plane tickets can get more expensive. Also really hoping merit offers are included with packet.

Bridge is for out of state kids as well

I 100% agree that you have every right to contact Clemson and tell them that you disagree that their accepted student days do not have enough spots for all students to have a chance to come. That is a very reasonable concern and I see your point.

The wait is awful for everyone, but as the member above stated, many kids will wait an additional 6 weeks before they hear on the schools of their dreams, which I assume Clemson is for many here.

None of our kids read anything other than “by February 1” when they made the decision to apply. Your concern of space availability is very valid, and certainly bolstered by the fact they have a rolling acceptance notification policy as well as a geographical fairness challenge due to using only the mail for the majority of applicants who are learning at one time. The issue isn’t timing though, it is space and opportunities offered. UTK has rolling acceptance notification and one accepted student day 6 days before May 1, it is mind boggling.

Look at the number of kids who have perfect test scores and maxed weighted GPAs who did not learn their decision early because their schools do not rank. It is another Clemson policy that people find very unfair and unique; but they still applied.

Again, I am PRO PORTAL, but because it was a school of interest for my kid, we applied knowing that it wasn’t like the other schools at decision time.

@swirmo Same situation, also. I’m in-state and most of my friends were accepted, but I’ve received nothing as well. Little nerve racking.

When do we think CT will find out?

I’m in CT too. My guess is maybe Tuesday? Wednesday? I looked up the usps website and put in the to/from zip codes and according to that it’s Tuesday.

Did anyone else try the bridge hack? My daughters says welcome, but it makes no sense. She has 45 dual enrollment community college credits with a perfect 4.0. Not sure what 30 credits they could possibly offer her there as she completed all gen eds already.

CT here.
Was thinking Tuesday as well.

Fingers and toes crossed ?

Not what you want to hear but packets only mention if you will get merit, not the amount.

Was this the final wave or will there be another?

Does anyone remember when they released financial aid award offers last year?

@CALMom65 you wrote.
Look at the number of kids who have perfect test scores and maxed weighted GPAs who did not learn their decision early because their schools do not rank. It is another Clemson policy that people find very unfair and unique; but they still applied.

Just an FYI, when we visited Clemson last year we made sure we sat down with an admissions counselor. We told her my DD school doe not rank, we were told they take that into account & that many schools do not rank. They look at what you actually took at your school compared to what is offered. My DD was accepted in. December with merit. The lack of ranking did not hurt her.

@CALMom65 two of my kids got scholarships and their school does not rank. We are OOS.

@pegagain and @CALMom65

We are OOS too

I hear ya. I didn’t try the hack, but we’re dealing with one twin getting his letter and the other not. And the one who didn’t has a MUCH higher GPA and is in early at UGA! Sigh…praying Monday brings a good mail day!

Same major?

Totally different majors. The accepted one is Psychology; one who hasn’t heard is first choice Economics and second choice Language and International Trade

@sunnyschool Comp Sci
Those of you whose school does not rank are so lucky. We did not get mention of merit with a 1430 and a 3.8.

@TechDudeMom I wonder if the no merit is due to CompSci being super competitive to get admitted to (as it is in many schools; assuming it probably is at Clemson). I think admitted stats are generally higher for CS and Engineering.

Some question about major.

  1. For those accepted, did you get first choice major?
  2. This is the only school that I know if that asks for 3 choices of majors. Do kids really accept an offer with a second choice major, change their educational path just to go to their first choice college?
    Help me understand.