Clemson Class of 2024

@lmb1234 Did your hacks change last week? What day? Mine changed on 1/28, but it seems that everyone’s changed late last week. Both bridge and waitlist hacks say that i am not eligible for either.

Our school does not rank and the letter said that merit would come in February.

@lmb1234 Update. Informed delivery shows no small white envelopes, but 3 unscanned packets (typically the big ones). Crossing my fingers for us both!

Wow, @taylorcook44 , that goes to show you how much they value GPA at CU, that ACT score of twin 2 converts to a higher SAT score. Smart twins you have! Good mothering for sure. Congratulations.

@PhotogDad @LivD99 The whole releasing by major things seems weird, but you may be on to something because the psych majors are the most recent check ins and there are only two or three so far. My niece is waiting for Psych as well so I hope you receive your good news today!

@LivD99 I think you are the first to post hearing about any rejections. Someone pointed that out yesterday; so many waitlisted checking in but until now no rejections. Fingers crossed for your big orange envelope to arrive today.

@CALMom65 Thank you! Crossing my fingers for your niece.

Can anyone explain the summer bound program? How does one qualify for that?

My DD received her Tigertown Bound envelope yesterday for psychology. 30 ACT and 3.5 UW and 4.4 Weighted GPA.

@studentn1320 - I listed the waitlist stats on a previous post, the numbers were taken for the Common Data Set on Clemson website. you’ll see its random, several years have been very promising to clear the waitlist and others not so much.


Here are the numbers;

2,715 offered waitlist, 1,153 accepted waitlist offer and of those 449 admitted

2,649 offered waitlist, 924 accepted waitlist and of those 876 admitted




Looks like the difficult years to get off the waitlist were 2016 and 2014, the other years were very high rates of acceptance from waitlist. Hope this helps, the data as mentioned is published on the Clemson website, so not hearsay. Good luck to everyone waiting to hear, it’s a great school. I’m not sure if my DS will wait it out until June 1, he already has other great offers.

Daughter OOS admitted to Summer session. Engineering major. 3.83W GPA, 1300 SAT. She was extremely disappointed as Clemson was first choice. Summer program at 12k, plus lack of merit will probably take this off the list for her.


Does summer program usually go to those with low WGPA?

@LivD99 Informed delivery shows et another packet from one of his other accepted options but nothing from Clemson. When is it too soon to call?

@lmb1234 I say give it to Friday.

My Informed Delivery never showed the tigerbound envelope so there is a good chance it will be in there very soon. Have you tried the 'hack"?

@tstranger76 Both Hacks worked on 1/28, as a Political Science major, bridge hack did not. Fingers crossed!

Residency: OOS (NY)
GPA: 4.0
SAT: 1260
Major: Animal and Vet studies

Good luck to all…and congrats to those who got accepted! We are moving onto other options, as they have until June 1 to notify if he made it off of the wait list…and thats waaayyyyyy too long to wait!


Same boat in NC. Nothing in the mail today again. Friends in same zip code got their packets.

Hack worked on both sites on the afternoon of 1/28. Business major.

Bridge site didn’t work.

We received the small white envelope with the wait list letter inside yesterday! We are in Arkansas.

3.93 GPA and 28 ACT

Nursing Major

Between being OOS and Nursing major, it is very competitive and we knew it was a long shot She did accept the wait list just to see what would happen

Is there any evidence the hack doesn’t work?