Clemson Class of 2024

@tigersden Both of my hacks changed on 1/28. Havent heard yet, but two classmates received a rejection and an acceptance yesterday. The rejected student had neither hacks working on 1/28, but they changed on Friday (seemingly everyone’s did). The accepted student had his hack work on 1/28 as well. Hopefully, it indicates good news based off of this experience.



@tigersden I’m assuming you mean’t to tag me. I am in MA.

Great my son just got into the Bridge program!

@tigersden also near Charlotte?

My son got Bridged!

Not necessarily. A friend’s child had solid GPA but lower SAT and got summer program a couple of years ago. I think summer is for students that have what Clemson considers a deficiency in one or more areas. Often they are missing some core course or needs to take a remedial math for example.

@jmsstb Totally agree. The whole college admissions process is a crapshoot. I saw it with my daughter 2 years ago and I’m seeing it with my son again this year. There is no rhyme or reason to it, and comparing decisions between schools makes no sense most of the time.

What I learned is that my daughter ended up in the right place for her - at a school which was not one of her top choices.

I wish all the kids good luck wherever they land. Things work out in the end, but there is usually disappointment along the way. Hang in there!



@swirmo You are correct - Bridge envelopes do show up in Informed Delivery because they are smaller, orange and they say Bridge/Clemson on them.

Interesting insight. My daughter got summer but doesn’t make sense that see needs core courses based on her High School Transcript Calculus A/B, AP English etc, so think it is a GPA/SAT Issue for her.

@sdugan1199 What major?


@clemsonlover112 did you hear back yet?

My D received her packet yesterday - summer bound program. Her WGPA is 4.3, but lower SAT. I think the summer is offered for those on the bubble - successful in high school with challenging courses, but both GPA and SAT are not high enough for Fall admission. She is in-state and plans to accept.

@TheNextChapter What is her SAT? if you dont mind me asking.

My son got the engineering acceptance packet in the mail yesterday 4.5 GPA, 34 ACT superscore, student body president, debate and varsity soccer captain. He is waiting for the results of his application to the honors program. We are from NJ

@LiveD99, she had an 1180 SAT. She was expecting Bridge. A couple of her classmates with higher SAT scores, but lower WGPAs and class ranking were accepted to the Bridge program.

@mom2zags thank you so much! the info definitely helps.

@LivD99, that’s just my opinion on which students I think are offered the summer bound option.