Clemson Class of 2024

Are you going to Isenberg accepted students day on Sunday? My son doesn’t necessarily want to stay in state but we are keeping an open mind…

I didn’t use the hack


Did you try the hack?

@tigersden He said that it worked as expected, after reading this board - from “no token found” to “does not match the one on record,” and the package showed up later. Also, did not show up on the waitlist hack.

My D got her acceptance today! OOS (VA), 3.5 GPA/32 ACT; 2 varsity sports, honors art student, active in church youth service group, other extracurriculars. Not sure about the number of AP and honors classes. She’s thrilled about Clemson!

@tigersden why?

@12345c if you don’t mind sharing what were you stats. Also since you are from Seattle did you apply and were you accepted at UW. My daughter considering Nursing at both Clemson and UW.

@burghdad I have a 3.96 W GPA and a 31 SS ACT, with lots of service, extracurriculars and elected student body all 4 years. I applied to UW as well, but have less interest as their nursing is not direct admit and also highly competitive, and would love to go out of state! All UW decisions all come back between March 1-15, so have not heard back yet.

@12345c Congrats to you as well!

Does anyone know when the email to accepted students to sign up for Future Tiger Days gets sent out?


Trying to determine if the hack is a reliable indicator of acceptance.

I did the tiger day hack and it worked saying I was accepted, but said nothing about summer bound.

On the Clemson website, it says that admitted students will receive an email on February 10th with details on how to sign up for Future Tiger Days.

My son was put into it for business with a 4.2 W gpa and a 1340 SAT

Daughter was put in to summer with 3.8w GPA(total, not core), and 1300 SAT for engineering.

I tried the hack and it took me to the page where it instructed me to put in my acceptance code from my admissions letter. Yesterday (2/4) I got my letter and was waitlisted. The odds for being accepted off the waitlist are all over the place from what I’ve seen online so I don’t know what to think. Clemson is my top school, but since I’m OOS and was waitlisted, I don’t think much financial aid would be granted to me if I were to get in, which would definitely be a deal breaker.

I agree with MDMOM24 #1458. I would like to know this as well. DS waitlisted OOS Business Major. 3.75 UW GPA and 1280 SAT.

Agree on the waitlist/bridge/summer stats. DD got the waitlist letter today. 27 ACT, 3.98 wgpa. Lots of AP/Honors/Dual enrollment and heavy volunteer/internships/EC’s. Not surprised since her stats put her on the bottom tier of their acceptances, but was hoping for a nice surprise. I agree with @“strugglingsenior!!” that without merit aid- clemson is going to be tough to justify cost - especially since other schools have given her high merit amounts. :-/

I read an article with an interview with their Dir of Admissions and there was a line about bridge being used most often for in-state and waitlist being used more for OOS- but nothing was said about summer - or the stats required to get assigned one of those buckets.

Son made the Bridge program.In state. 3.97W 3.49UW 1170SAT Undecided. Athletic team 6 yrs, Captain 2 years, Eagle Scout, Volunteer work. Working since 15. 2 DE, Multiple honors classes, NO AP’s

OOS daughter accepted to Summer program undeclared major with 3.97 weighted GPA and 30 ACT (31 composite). 4 APs and 2 honors classes. Lots of community service and high school clubs. High school soccer 4 years and part time job.