Clemson Class of 2024

I think it’s a possibility that schools are accepting more domestic students because of the possible loss of international applicants due to the coronavirus. And also the loss of some OOS applicants because they may not want to enroll at a school they haven’t visited, so I think the schools are covering themselves for these potential losses. I heard the same thing regarding OSU. They’ve accepted a lot more students than they did last year.

Yes, but remember Clemson decisions came out 2/15 , and a select group of kids were accepted early.

My DS has heard of a number of MA kids getting off waitlist. I think perhaps Clemson is fishing for full pay oos students to protect themselves against the strong possibility of many kids picking the instate closer/cheaper flagship in place of the oos public that doesnt give much merit.

I wanted to share that my son got his acceptance packet yesterday, for fall start. He applied priority back in December and deferred to the waitlist. He did call and emailed their admissions several times. They told him they track interest for those waitlisted over priority of best qualified. I guess his persistence in keeping in touch with admissions was enough for them to send him an offer. He was initially told they would not likely notify waitlisted students until after June 1. So he is testament that they are now working off their waitlist for this year.

@Mom2zags Same thing with me, waitlisted and showed interest— yesterday got ACCEPTED. 2 of my friends who got waitlisted but didn’t even accept the waitlist offer received their packets yesterday as well. So that is a little confusing bc both of them have committed to other places.

Daughter received acceptance package today! Applied end of January so after the priority deadline which is why it was so late.

Congrats to all moving off waitlist!!

@fearless65 my daughter applied as nursing and just got off waitlist. However it stated not for nursing or health science. Basically pick another major and let us know by 4/6. Are you hoping if a nursing spot opens at a later date to switch or transfer in? My D trying to figure it out

@coolj1018 If she has her heart set on nursing, I would not take the chance.

Another option although not optimal would be to pick another major, take the science/math required for nursing, and hope that a spot opens at Clemson. If not and she is still convinced she wants nursing there are multiple schools Bama, FSU, UW to name a few that do not have direct admit from HS into their nursing schools and she could apply after 2 years to be admitted into their BS nursing programs for the last 2 years.

For those of you who are getting accepted off of the waitlist, where are you guys from? Trying to see if they’re doing it randomly or by region

Is Nursing one of the restricted majors at Clemson?

@HokieCrazy and @burghdad … Yes nursing not currently available and she is hanging onto in the letter it said NOT currently available, hoping that once their nursing majors decide on other schools then spots may open up? However, they want an answer by 4/6 putting her in a position to decide between Clemson and nursing. Trying to transfer in or pick another major is not an option. Too stressful. She has been accepted to 10 nursing schools including Delaware, UNH, Fairfield, St As - all with excellent direct admit programs with NCLEX 96-100% pass rates and she got great merit from all. But of course right now she wants Clemson…of course. so most likely she will commit elsewhere. Thank you all!

@abcdhihihihi3322 we are from Massachusetts

Is it possible for her to request being put on the waitlist for Nursing?

@coolj1018 I’m a huge fan of UD and my D21 who is also looking at nursing is strongly considering it. As you know they have a great new health Sciences building… She is also interested in Clemson for nursing although the decrease in merit money this past year and the continuing increases in OOS tuition and fees makes it a less affordable option…

I am also having her look at Bama and FSU due to the great merit money they give, although as I mentioned above there is no direct admit into theIr BS nursing programs. However she is a strong student and I have not doubt she would get accepted into either one if she still wanted nursing after her first 2 years.

Good luck to you and your daughter as you/she make this difficult decision.

Parents of accepted students, help me out if you can. My daughter (OOS) was just accepted off the waitlist and Clemson was her first choice. She is a smart kid with a good head for money and had decided to attend our in-state option when she was waitlisted. Now that Clemson has accepted her, she is rethinking this. We did not receive any merit aid.

With the very recent economic downturn we are experiencing and potential impact to my job and my husband’s job, we are even more hesitant to pay full OOS tuition. We applied thinking they honor the OOS net price calculator with OOS merit (approx. $7500) for her gpa and sats meeting their requirements. I inquired as to why she did not get any OOS merit even though (by their own confirmation) her SATs get her into their merit pool range. The response was we changed our criteria this year and her small school (86 students) does not rank and we extrapolate she is outside the top 15%.

At this point, she is learning that life is not fair. We do not get any need based aid (rightfully so) and do not generally qualify for need based scholarships so it is full-price at most places for her. We have saved diligently and we are blessed to have been able to do so, but not at a rate that can be full-pay with multiple children in college simultaneously. Despite working so hard for great grades, very good SATS (not top tier though) and all the extras, she really has very few options that are just not full price.

With economic uncertainty, I think we would be crazy to pay full OOS tuition but feel terrible she has few choices if we want to keep it somewhat reasonable even though she was accepted to every school she applied to. We knew we would pay more at OOS publics and hoped privates would be about the same with some merit, but nothing is below $50k except our state school and one school which wasn’t her top choice.

Were our expectations of smaller merit aid scholarships just not realistic? Anyone else feel the “stuck in the middle spot” where you make too much, saved too much but do not think you can pay full cost with more than one child in college?

She really wanted to attend Clemson, but alas I think we will have to say no.

I would suggest emailing them and asking to be put on the nursing waitlist. From what I gather, for nursing you want to be direct admit and the risk of accepting and hoping for a transfer doesn’t seem like a good idea if you have other direct-admit options.

I was accepted Friday. I am from MA.

@cbl1 can you help me located the link needed to accept your place on the waitlist? I know it is in this thread somewhere from late Jan to early Feb.

My daughter was not waitlisted so I do not know. Should be in the letter received. If lost I would email admissions.