Clemson Class of 2024

We are same situation. We will have 2 kids in college, no merit money and do not qualify for FA. Our oldest D is OOS in Delaware and younger D would prefer to go OOS but we would have to pay full cost at any school she chooses so in state(CT) cheapest option. Next cheapest option about $45k and the next schools go up from there, Clemson being the most expensive. So I’m thinking Clemson not an option anymore since she does have other slightly cheaper OOS options and the engineering programs are ranked a bit better. Another problem is we haven’t visited the schools.

My oldest is a Junior at UDel…she loves it. She’s an early childhood ed major but has good friends in the nursing program and they love it. The nursing building is very cool and high tech. Much better than the old Education building!

Interesting…my son’s cheapest option at the moment is actually Clemson. :expressionless: Granted he did get merit money, but everything else is more expensive. He didn’t like any in-state schools, so Clemson is currently winning based on tuition.

My D doesn’t mind our state school the problem for her is that we live 35 minutes away from it and nothing to do off campus.

They are pulling from the waitlist, my son got his package on March 20 into pre-Business. College Admissions everywhere are very concerned under the current circumstances, they need to ensure they fill their freshman class of 2024. In general overall applications are down by 8% this year. He is from Northern Virginia.

Interestingly at two other schools where he was already accepted, he received letters a week ago giving additional merit dollars. I do not think this would have happened if he had committed to either one of them already. College Admissions under a lot of pressure this year given what is going on.

I am waitlisted OOS from NY and I have something showing in my informed delivery that does not have an image attached! Praying for the best. Switched from Sports Com to Graphic Com in February after I visited.

My Ds admission councilor emailed her yesterday. She stated they have accepted very few waitlists and don’t anticipate accepting a large # for Fall 2020.

She did say that anyone on a waitlist has a much better chance of being accepted for Spring 2021.

My D will not switch schools 1/2 through freshman year. She has already been accepted to other really good schools so this wouldn’t be of interest to her if it worked out that way.

Clemson had 29,070 apply in 2019 and accepted 14,900. This year 27,824 students applied and they accepted 15,494. I cannot imagine many will get off the waitlist.

In addition the average ACT was 28-32 for all and the OOS ACT is a 31.

@Lacole03 I agree & I would not let my DD switch in the second semester

Net price is only an estimate. Not many received merit. 61% of all applicants were ranked in the top 10% of their high school. From Clemson, this is a very competitive class.

@Lacole03 Thanks for sharing. Today, my son emailed two of the admissions counselors he’s been in contact with several times during this process. He hasn’t heard anything back yet, but we are preparing to put down a deposit somewhere else soon. He has two other very good choices, and I don’t think he’d want to start in Spring 2021 either.

@CollegeorBustNE Where are you getting the numbers for this years applicants? Normally those are only officially published in the Clemson common data set in the fall.

Also technically Clemson still taking application until May1 and it seems we have seen on this site plenty of wait list kids getting changed to admit. Thus those numbers even if official would seem to be preliminary,

They showed those numbers at the Future Tiger Days presentation over the past few weeks.

@HokieCrazy thanks. Yes @burghdad these numbers are from the last Future Tiger Day & OOS score is from the last reception which was the night before FTD.

@HokieCrazy and @CollegeorBustNE that is very interesting as the 55.6% acceptance rate would be the highest in quite a few years. Maybe they calculated that the decrease on OOS merit money and increased OOS tuition might result in less OOS students enrolling. I would be interested in the percentage admission percentages for in state vs OOS.

Does anyone think National Decision Day will be changed to a later date? We have 2 schools to visit(including Clemson) and all tours are canceled.

It seems logical, but I’m not sure they will, because it puts a strain on everything else that comes after (wait-listed students, orientation registrations, housing contracts, actual orientations, etc. I know it’s tough, but most schools would’ve suggested that students visit before they applied. I could see some schools making exceptions, but I don’t think the entire university system will agree to move it.

We did our big Southern college road trip last April but my D ended up changing her major completely so most of the schools we visited ended up off the list when she started applying and she added on schools(Clemson being one of them) that fit better with her new major choice. So the plan was to wait for acceptances and visit any new schools over Spring Break…

I would agree as well. I think they all have tried to make some sort of accommodation with online/virtual tours, discussions, etc. to help decide. I think this year you will need to do your homework and make a decision as best possible with the info you do have.

Wouldn’t seems feasible to backlog the entire process.

Yeah, my son had 3 schools that he applied to that we hadn’t visited either. One of them was Clemson, which we were lucky enough to get down to a couple weeks ago for FTD. The other 2 were stretch schools (waitlisted at one and hearing the other tomorrow), so we may or may not be in a similar situation.

My assumption is based on the fact that it took like 200 years for these schools to all agree on a common date in the first place. Having them change that, now, seems unlikely. However, I do think individual schools might allow for delays. Just not sure how that would affect others…like waitlist kids that are waiting for May 1st to start hearing from their schools.

Who knows? It’s a great question, I just don’t see it being likely.

@burghdad We went to an accepted student reception in Ohio with Robert and Monica (admissions) before they got called back to Clemson. They said this was the most competitive admissions cycle ever, and had an OOS average ACT score of 31.

Congrats to everyone who is getting acceptance packets in the mail!