Clemson Class of 2024

@Lacole03 Thanks for the information about the waitlist. i’m on the waitlist and this waitlist process is very stressful. I just keep telling myself if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be. Another point is out of all the discussions from different years I find it odd they are pulling off the waitlist so early. maybe a good sign? but good luck to you and everyone else!

We live 10 minutes from our state school.

@clemson8283 I was pulled off the waitlist last Friday I believe it was? Clemson was my top choice so I was very excited. But I am unaware of whether it is a good sign for people still on the waiting list though, I have also heard that they only took a few kids off of it. But 2 other people from my town that I know of also got accepted off the waitlist last week, so very hard to tell. I just believe they are doing it because a lot of people don’t wanna pay the OOS Tuition and because a some OOS students will not be attending due to not being able to visit over this time.

I am OOS (MA) for a reference.

Honestly, I believe that since Clemson leaves a number of spots open for post-Priority applicants, that it is possible that they wanted to pull from the wait-list for those spots based on what they were seeing in that pool. Just a theory, though. I would think it would be VERY hard to predict who will accept their offer in 6 weeks, so I don’t think they’d risk over-accepting based on theories or recent events.

@HokieCrazy I agree. I think my son will accept his offer from PSU or VT, and if he hears from Clemson before June 1, he’ll have another decision to make. By the way, are you a VT alum? The more we look at that school, the more we like it!

Still no word on Clemson for DD. She was devastated with the waitlist letter back in January. Her CUID no longer works on the waitlist link so I’m thinking that’s not a good sign. She received great scholarships from JMU and U DE. No way she will get that kind of money from Clemson and it now makes Clemson almost double the price of JMU and UDE. I guess things happen for a reason. We had told her to wait until April to make any decisions just in case . Who can afford a deposit at another school by May 1 and then get off Clemson waitlist in June and forfeit the deposit?? Especially now with the economic downturn we are all experiencing. HECK NO not even an option and she needs to secure a spot at her second choice. She has amazing options ( NC State, JMU and U DE ) so looks like we will be moving on sooner rather than later.

Yes, I’m an alum. I love it there. It’d still be my #1 choice if I had to choose again, today. My son was waitlisted at VT and accepted at Clemson and Penn State. Your son was waitlisted at Clemson and accepted to VT? What major?

@HokieCrazy Business

If he was a CS major, I’d suggest we trade spots. LOL!

@HokieCrazy @pghmom72 this whole thing process is so weird and predicting. I did Business too, but I was accepted at Clemson and not Penn State or NC State

Accepted yesterday from appeals --bridge to direct summer

Pre Business
SAT 1310
GPA 3.7
Swimming and Lacrosse Leader
3 letters of recommendations
Go Tigers!!

@mocha666 --when u say u got in off of appeals-- does that mean you were denied and appealed that decision, or were you waitlisted and appealed that decision?

It appears from the post that the appeal was the Bridge decision and then it was changed to direct summer.

@HokieCrazy – thx-- that makes sense now.

Congrats! Does that mean you moved from Bridge to SummerBound?

Does anyone know when merit money is offered? Is it in the initial acceptance letter or does it come later in a separate email? Can you get merit if you did not submit the FAFSA?

@5OnTheHill FAFSA filing is not needed to be considered for merit. If a student is awarded merit, it is mentioned in the acceptance letter. The amount is not listed in the letter, but it will be listed in their iroar account.

Thank you!

DD got accepted today off waitlist!!! They are moving the waitlist.

Congratulations!! That’s awesome. Where are you guys from? Just trying to see if they’re sending them out by region