My child has been invited to interview for all three of these programs. Child likes all three schools. They each offer very different things that child is excited about and could probably be very happy with any of them. All three seem to be excellent programs with a tremendous amount of opportunity. And all three are excellent schools who send their kids from these programs to excellent graduate programs.
Problem- all three interview weekends are the same weekend so she has to choose just one. We just got notification today and we have to let them know by Friday if child is coming to the weekend so no time to go back and visit all three campuses again to get better feel for them. We visited each campus over the summer so it’s really hard to tell.
To complicate things even more, if child does not get NSP at Clemson it is likely to be an unaffordable option for us, whereas UMBC and Univ. of Alabama are both doable with current amount of merit aid received. If child turns down these opportunities but ends up at one of these schools at the end of this process, will that be awkward?
This is so complicated. We feel very blessed that child was chosen for these but how do we choose which one child should go for?
Any insight into these programs or advice would be very appreciated.