I am an international student, and I intend to major in computer science.

I am now choosing between CMU and UCB.

Carnegie Mellon University: School of Computer Science
Pros: B.S. degree, highly specialized CS courses (robotics, human-computer interaction), private college with smaller class size, less humanities courses, reservation courses for CS students
Cons: location (worried about internship opportunities), weaker CS graduate school

UC Berkeley: College of Letters and Science
Pros: location (near silicon valley), stronger CS graduate school (maybe UC Berkeley undergraduate students can apply to UC Berkeley graduate school easier?)
Cons: B.A. degree, public college with larger class size, lots of humanities courses, no reservation, need to finish 3 courses with 3.3+ GPA to declare CS major

Could you please give me some advice?

Thank you so much!

Also got in Rice, but feel that Rice has a much weaker computer science program.

CMU Comp Sci. Smaller, private school - lots of resources. UC is gigantic - big classes, can’t always get what you want to take, budget cuts, etc. Just my opinion. I’m sure other people will differ.

Cost significantly different and does it matter?

Admission to your major at CMU is a major advantage there, so CMU should be strongly preferred for that reason if majoring in CS is a high priority for you.

Some of your pros and cons do not seem to be accurate, however. BS versus BA degree title should not matter. Humanities and social studies courses required for the degree appear similar in volume in CMU SCS and UCB L&S. Both schools are among the strongest in CS graduate study reputations, though they may have different subarea strengths. It is not generally advantageous for PhD admissions to be from the same school as an undergraduate (some PhD departments prefer that students do undergraduate and PhD study at different schools, though I do not know if this is the case for either CMU or UCB CS).

Thanks so much for advice!

Cost doesn’t matter that much for me. Actually I care more about the college itself ~

CMU if cost doesn’t matter.

Bump ~

A vote for CMU as well. Their Comp Sci program is one of the best in the nation. They probably have the resources for comp sci related internships and will provide all the opportunities you need.

There’s not too much difference between a BS and a BA degree and I think Berkeley’s 3.3 GPA threshold just creates unnecessary uncertainty for you, especially considering you have one of the best schools for Comp Sci (5%~ acceptance rate) in the nation.

CMU if costs are not a concern.

Though it’s silly to dismiss Rice CS like that (for undergrad, it’s plenty strong enough and may be a more nurturing environment).

I’m also making the exact same decision- but in-state California. Cost isn’t a huge concern, but since i’m in-state, it’s a LOT less for berkeley. any opinions?

  1. CMU SCS is perhaps the most selective CS program in the country and arguably the best (for undergrad). Take the opportunity while you have it.
  2. The strength of the graduate program has little relevance. Going to Berkeley undergrad does not make it easier to get into Berkeley grad (vs an equally good program elsewhere).
  3. Rice's program is not "much weaker" (where did you get that?). I'd pick Rice over Berkeley for the overall undergrad experience. Berkeley is a great grad school, undergrad less so.