
Hi! I am an international student at Purdue and have a cum. gpa of 3.2… I’m currently a junior and have participated in various club activities at Purdue and made use of a bunch of engineering opportunities on campus.

My question is: What are my chances of being accepted into a co-op program with cummins or even bendix commercial vehicle sysems??

You can’t, it’s too late for the official coop program unless you have a lot of semesters left. Coop programs start during your freshman or sophomore years to give you time to complete the program.

Well I’m planning on doing the 3 session Co-op, not the 5 session one. So I’ll be too late only when I’m in my senior year

Some programs won’t let you do it. Talk to the co-op coordinator of your school.

Act fast, the applications are already underway.

I concur. Talk to the office of Professional Practice now. I don’t know how being an international student affects things. Does having a student visa afford you the same privileges as a work visa? They can answer such questions. You will need to get on this immediately. They put out your resume to I believe 4 companies and the companies choose whether or not to interview you. You can also go to the job fair the campus has I think in February and talk to the company representatives. My D ended up co-oping with the company she met at that job fair.